If european communists are going to invade Brazil over THEIR fucking forests I will unironically and literally move to...

If european communists are going to invade Brazil over THEIR fucking forests I will unironically and literally move to Brazil and join their military to fight for freedom and kill some european fags

Attached: 1563097692349.jpg (960x636, 85K)

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It's ironic because polls routinely show that poles worship the EU.

I will join the french tbqh senpai

It might surprise you, but not every pole has a slave mentality

I will personally commit a warcrime in every brazilian shithole we burn to the ground

Thanks bro

Poles are the biggest fucking brainlets on Earth. Stalin shouldn't have stopped at Katyn. The Soviets should have kept on shooting.

first go pay your daily reparations to mbongo

Attached: 1555594281833.png (1000x1000, 126K)

Then FUCK OFF right now, you scum. You are right, your place is in the jungle.

And I will unironicly not join the army and gun you down OP.

They want 20% of oxygen and 40% of nutrients in the Atlantic to burn away its a problem... I like living you fuck nugget and I like having you assholes on here alive so I got someone to talk/insult/be insulted by. Except OP they are a cunt who takes daddy’s cock up the ass and has no brains

t. braindead reddit tourist
Forests don't produce net oxygen.

Holy based

Based Honorary Negroes from the Haitian Revolution

Go back to school retard... trees eat carbon and create oxygen..

Literally science. No opinion, just fact.

Ain’t a Reddit boi but you must be... fuck boy

>Forests don't produce net oxygen.
Is this the new monkey talking point?

Are you retarded. All the carbon mass inactivated a tree is from CO2.

Itsa not "their" forests, the forests belong to the indigenous people and Bolsonaro called them "pests" and "parasites". If he can destroy indigenous people's homes without giving a fuck, why should people feel sorry for settled brazilians?

>trees eat carbon and create oxygen
Guess what happens when the tree sheds or dies.

By definition, old growth is no longer producing any net wood. New growth equals the amount lost by death and decay. New seedlings do not produce much either. As the tree begins rapid growth after the seedling stage, it is removing massive quantities of CO2 and releasing lots of O2. As the tree ages, the rate slows. At late senescence the tree becomes a net emitter of CO2 and consumer of oxygen. This was just a theory for years. Greenhouse scale experiments verified it. Critics claimed a greenhouse test is not sufficient, and the results were not valid. The research branch of the US Forest Service conducted a bigger test. They rented huge big top tents from circuses, and erected them over various forests. Sealed them, installed grow lights and a watering system, and measured the actual changes in air composition. Their results proved the theory and the earlier greenhouse test were correct. Large old growth trees consume oxygen and emit CO2.
Do you know why algae are net positive oxygen producers? Because part of the carbon sinks into the ocean and is buried.

A climax forest like the Amazon has no net growth going on.

If that happens I'll be the first to fight for France, Germany, Norway and Denmark, you can die for this colossal evanJEWlical shitskin cesspit run by a demented 60IQ rabbi dicksucking malnourished boomer if you wish

Shot yourself faggot. Incels should be closed in concentration camps.

And you dumbass communists claim to be nationalist

Because we should be invaded when a forest fire happens

>they want

Every fucking disingenuous communist need a chainsaw through the head

Do I sound like a commie ... only one I see is your carcass

>If european communists
There are European communists? Where? Everywhere I look I see only liberals...

>Guess what happens when the tree sheds or dies.
It stays into the ground, producing fossil fuel over time?

Fucking idiot...

Guy is an idiot if he doesn’t know this... like he gotta be a preteen squeaker

>over THEIR fucking forests
Is that a hot topic among SJWS now? I didn't know that.

Don’t insult monkeys they are smarter then that guy

Yes you do, gulible dumb ass regurgitating anything the media tells you.

Because of course they had no trouble with deforastation during the decades of socialist government.

Guess where the vast majority of fossil fuels are located in, what is responsible for the vast majority of it and how long it took to accumulate.

You must be a preteen squeaker... come back with at least a high school education fucknut

european communists? they're liberal jews, just like our president

So by burning trees and petrol we are saving the planet from algae that buries carbon for ever into the ocean? Can someone refute this?

Yes you do, gulible dumb ass regurgitating anything the media tells you.

Because of course they had no trouble with deforastation during the decades of socialist government.

Petroleum is literally "buried algae", jesus fuck did you skip highschool?

yes we should

Copy paste like a little bitch... wow I was wrong your age... you sound like a 9 year old Fortnight cunt

Yes you do, gulible dumb ass regurgitating anything the media tells you.

Because of course they had no trouble with deforastation during the decades of socialist government.

Is that all you can say retard cause it’s hilarious

Yes you do, gulible dumb ass regurgitating anything the media tells you.

Because of course they had no trouble with deforastation during the decades of socialist government.

Fortnight Cunt Boi

Yes you do, gulible dumb ass regurgitating anything the media tells you.

Because of course they had no trouble with deforastation during the decades of socialist government.


Fortnight Cunt Boi

Yes you do, gulible dumb ass regurgitating anything the media tells you.

Because of course they had no trouble with deforastation during the decades of socialist government.


I already know you're a retard, no need for confirmation

Cancun is being invaded with algae because all the agrochemicals hueniggers thrown in their rivers, seriously nuke those apes

Attached: Puerto_Morelos_Sargazo-2_2-1068x712.jpg (1068x712, 168K)

we never had a socialist government

Based poland

Fortnight Cunt Boi

Yes you do, gulible dumb ass regurgitating anything the media tells you.

Because of course they had no trouble with deforastation during the decades of socialist government.

Fortnight Cunt Boi

U can just move to Brazil n kill someone without any military

Of course the con art will never be real

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I will help france however I can

Yes you do, gulible dumb ass regurgitating anything the media tells you.

Because of course they had no trouble with deforastation during the decades of socialist government.

Are you retarded? Algae is blooming worldwide because of a surplus of CO2, how brainwashed are you?

Fortnight Cunt Boi

Yes you do, gulible dumb ass regurgitating anything the media tells you.

Because of course they had no trouble with deforastation during the decades of socialist government.


Fortnight Cunt Boi

>i am kill u >:(((((
>no i am kill YOU >:(((((((((((

Yes you do, gulible dumb ass regurgitating anything the media tells you.

Because of course they had no trouble with deforastation during the decades of socialist government.

I think he is trying to bug me... I have been working retail at Shithole Town, USA for years and I can go for eternity.

is posting reddit memes and spouting misinformation all you can do?

Fortnight Cunt Boi

I really really hate this game.

Yes you do, gulible dumb ass regurgitating anything the media tells you.

Because of course they had no trouble with deforastation during the decades of socialist government.

Fortnight Cunt Boi

Most folks who actually have higher brain functions do.

I say this ironically and unironically... Fallout 76 is better, if only because nuking someone never gets old especially when they scream at you over chat...

You can screech and moan about your failed government led by the mollusk inmate not being your real ideological fantasy

The only retards who honestly believe this idiocy is your fellow mentally ill

Yes you do, gulible dumb ass regurgitating anything the media tells you.

Because of course they had no trouble with deforastation during the decades of socialist government.

Dude , actually I'm not fan of battle royale..I'm a COD fag player, But I'd prefer free fire and Unknows battle ground

Okay legit need context on “mollusk inmate” as an insult because I haven’t heard that one before....

Fortnight Cunt Boi

Yes you do, gulible dumb ass regurgitating anything the media tells you.

Because of course they had no trouble with deforastation during the decades of socialist government.

Not gonna hold that against ya dude. Everyone has their thing... I legitimately enjoy ARK Survival Evolved.... breeding giant moths.

Worshipping an incarcerated cephalopod is the leading religion among the intellectually stunted in this country.

i just noticed the integralist symbol in your picture. you know that integralists hate bolsonaro right?

Fortnight Cunt Boi

Yes you do, gulible dumb ass regurgitating anything the media tells you.

Because of course they had no trouble with deforastation during the decades of socialist government.

I literally cannot tell you how fucking hilarious I actually find the insult and it’s explanation.... thank you because it made my day!

Whats all this monkey busines in this thread?


Fortnight Cunt Boi

Yes you do, gulible dumb ass regurgitating anything the media tells you.

Because of course they had no trouble with deforastation during the decades of socialist government.

Hoots in aggressive primate

Samefagga mais filho de uma puta palhaço

Fortnight Cunt Boi
Fortnight Cunt Boi

Fortnight Cunt Boi
Fortnight Cunt Boi
Fortnight Cunt Boi
Fortnight Cunt Boi

Fortnight Cunt Boi
Fortnight Cunt Boi


thread soundtrack: youtube.com/watch?v=ohCw6eXqc_g

Attached: 1547829754414.jpg (885x902, 95K)

Yes you do, gulible dumb ass regurgitating anything the media tells you.

Because of course they had no trouble with deforastation during the decades of socialist government.


Country before anything

onde foi que eu samefaggei, seu rato imundo?

Fortnight Cunt Boi.... the Reckoning

the europeans are just talking about it so much because they want to back out of the trade deal they made simple as
its the reason they arent talking about bolivia


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