Daily reminder that you're only White if you're from the Beer Belt

Daily reminder that you're only White if you're from the Beer Belt.

Vodka (potatoes) isn't even fucking from Europe

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You don't get to decide who's white or European, mutt

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>Daily reminder that you're only White if you're from the Beer Belt.

>Vodka (potatoes) isn't even fucking from Europe

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Fuck wine and fuck vodka

Drinking carlsberg export now

shutup brown shit

it doesn't matter if im not White because im not from Europe.

europe is one of my ancestral homelands and its sad to see it be destroyed

>shutup brown shit

>it doesn't matter if im not White because im not from Europe.
>europe is one of my ancestral homelands and its sad to see it be destroyed

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>United States
>dumb racebaits

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it's not 90s anymore old man

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t. pic related

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imagine drinking warm beer

my ass is brown lol
my brother is pink though

>Vodka (potatoes) isn't even fucking from Europe
and Beer is originally from Mesopotamia

>shutup brown shit
>it doesn't matter if im not White because im not from Europe.
>europe is one of my ancestral homelands and its sad to see it be destroyed

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shit... i hope that's for the germans/brits tourists

>europe is one of my ancestral homelands and its sad to see it be destroyed
i have a very strong feeling that you didn't post this ironically

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That's what ruined it in the first place

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Beer is such shit compared to wine.

Spaniards drink and produce more beer than wine though

Have sex loser. No one cares about your outdated ideas of racial purity.

Spaniards overall seem like the nicest people in Europe, why is that?

This map is incorrect. Russia should be yellow.

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>No one cares about your outdated ideas of racial purity.

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you dont need potatoes for vodka retard. most vodka is made from grain.

We haven't been a vodka country since 70s

good ol days

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Can the Denmark and Sweden even grow grapes or it's all imported?