What do you think about my country?

What do you think about my country?

Attached: 1200px-Map_provinces_Netherlands-en.svg.png (1200x1423, 401K)

it exists i guess


North Flanders

It exists and that's it. I've heard people smoke a lot of weed, and hold gay prides.

Yep, that's the Netherlands alright

>Cool people
>legal drugs
>funny sounding language
>not in the way when invading france
10/10 would shelter when their country drowns

Cool country

the official language is the optimal memespeak which all of Jow Forums should adopt as the standard means of communication because it looks and sounds hilarious and is practically English besides (only memier)


You're generally alright but fucking cunts to work with

Wouldn't miss you for the world.
Best neighbour.

Swamp Germans?

Reddit leaking

A fourth of it is french clay
Other than that it's alright

Since fucking when? I thought it was Den Haag in Dutch.

"des Graven hage" was the old official name of the city which was eventually modified to just "den haag", but it is used sometimes (but rarely) nowadays like "kristiania" instead of "oslo"

Don't care.

The only countries I care about are

hippie germans

drugs, prostitutes and EDM festivals

Based country. I would like to live there someday, I already know a bit of Dutch.

neat history.
there’s a place in Michigan not far from me called holland, pretty neat little town near Lake Michigan that my mom used to take me to when I was younger

Cool, I didn't know. "Kristiania" is never used for Oslo though, that's the old name. It changed its name in 1925 and hasn't been used since.

Another retard made in Jow Forums who believes he speak a foreign language because he knows how to say hello in this said language.

No, I can hold a conversation in Dutch.

you are our best friend

>liberal and conservative at the same time
>growling language
>social democratic in the past, now openly neoliberal and woke (the worst combination)
>nice urban planning
>pretty good economy, tax heaven
>very nice national anthem
>good at one or two winter sports
>politicians seem not to care about their own citizens - the MH17 and its aftermath
>your soldiers used to be cowards - bunga-bunga in Srebrnica


i see, when i went there i saw some stores branded like "kristiania clothing" but its not in official use i gather

Coolest country Ive ever visited. Nice peopl, great food, and a lot of history. Definitely visiting a second time.



Some private brands might use the name, there's no law against it or anything like that. There's no negative connotations. Some old companies that were founded before the name change still use it as well. But it's in no way in any official use. If you asked Norwegians about "Kristiania", they'd probably think you meant that hippie district in Copenhagen.

Best women

It has many people who gel their hair back.


Go home

Best country on the planet.

80 years weren't enough

weed, ecstasy and hookers

the netherlands is cute.
its like a little brother country.
but the kind that you want to dress up in girly clothes and fuck in the ass while making him call you "Oni-chan"

best housing in the world

every human should have a right to live in a semi-detached or terraced house

Bit rude but you're all right.

Quintessential German post

How can we the best if Germany exists?

I aim to please.