
Attached: 1566392769199.png (701x897, 420K)

Other urls found in this thread:


first for brazil

The so called female, russian poster. Post your jaw for proofs that you are a girl.

and i axed her what that dick did
murder she wrote



get educated
if u still listen to shit u listened to 20 years ago then ur STAGNATING


naatre broo haha ozolss klasikaa atgadina kad biju laimigs vel ;D

Sup My Soutern Brothers+ latvia

Attached: Räisälän Tiurin Linna.jpg (1920x1174, 433K)

nostalgia is not a music genre or criteria

I listen to different kinds of music.
Neggroid rap is the worst form of music.

Hi Pekka!

Attached: titulbilde.jpg (1000x750, 384K)

ah yes, ambient music they play in Che




Attached: SHAKE IT UP.png (1920x1080, 2.48M)

>they play in Che
The movie? Nah...can't be...do they?

Attached: 220px-Che-movie-poster2.jpg (220x325, 22K)


I didn't put on make up, sweety

Fake and gay

go away, russian girls only for baltic bois




Attached: 1555316412400.png (1560x546, 506K)

Attached: no u blackhole.jpg (419x610, 57K)

Fug :-DDD

I really want to try the impossible Whopper!

Look, I don't like this, but I have to say, I have been chatting with russians past couple days and they're alright.

>chatting with russians past couple days
Are you in jail?

Everyone will act nice, especially in real life. Jews and niggers will be "nice" to you as individuals. It's the collective Russian hivemind you must be wary of.

Russian gf...

Attached: vomit chan.jpg (621x621, 77K)

always ready to talk

Attached: 15492988896500.jpg (375x500, 48K)


How fitting

I have this Russian e-gf and she wants to get e-married. What do?

Are you Russian?

That's no bullshit. It's a commitment.
Start with e-penetration and after that you will know if she is the one for you!

She says she's saving her e-virginity for e-marriage and I can only e-penetrate her after e-marriage.


Truthpilled and based.

Hello, Nataša.

how is life in Lithuania?

Attached: 1549402320846.png (700x900, 463K)

I bet she just is afraid of getting a virus.

Lithuanian bf....

It is nice. Very nice

I know u posted this just to get laid with me...



why are you still religious

Attached: 8687646535436.gif (440x364, 498K)

Make her e-proposal.

You forgot the risk of e-pregnancy.

the person that loves you for who you really are, your personality...until he sees what you really look like. you'll be lucky if your e-bf will like you after you send him a pic.
tina - omg i love you my e-bf

only estonian boys

Attached: 1561492315476.png (707x1000, 463K)

Лoж, пиздeш и пpoпaгaндa.

I'm not even baptized.

There are e-bfs for you on now go there and don't come back. This is a straight thread.

hohol, will you calm down?

I'm girl btw

You calm your gay boner down. Learn some self-control.


Estonian e-bf found real gf! What a cheater. What do??



Need to have my dick sucked

post vocaroo, I'll touch myself on it

Actually yes, you should go to /cum/, they are homosexual there and they like to fuck trannies such as you. Goodbye.

Post vocaroo to get me in the mood

>not reconquering ancestral land one russian cunny at a time
My ancestors are smiling at me, can you say the same?

You are polluting your bloodline.

I love you, Artusis, you mean the world to me.

so who was in the wrong here, the chad policeman or the virgin politician?

Attached: Untitled.png (895x580, 957K)

There has been no proper conversation here for weeks, some reddit tier cringe unfunny talk all the time. I'm starting to think most of the people here are from reddit. You are all too normie casual people

I wonder...

Attached: shlomo.jpg (900x900, 143K)

You do realize that western russians are basically just balts and finns? Either way it would require actual offspring.

we had a really good thread last week about bullying in russian prisons, all the butthurt russia anons instantly left

Ok lets talk, how do we find me a gf?

>You do realize that western russians are basically just balts and finns?
Exactly, they are mutts.

I think at first you should define what is gf

The only way you can find a long-term relationship that is actually worth it is if you find a female friend and become romantically involved with her later. Online dating is artificial and forced.

if you unironically want any kind of help from this website you must kill yourself, because you are too stupid to be alive

kill youreselfs antisemites

I love jews though, I want to be one of you so I can fuck lolis, drink blood, have shit load of money etc

You know, a gee - ef

so youre saying there is no chance then

>tfw brainlet

Shalom, you must be mistaken!

Attached: 12212164t1hddab.jpg (685x410, 33K)

mart helme on juut

I'm not artusis

desu no one knows who artusis is, it's just old typo turned meme

I know you stupid retard I just want to get a reaction out of >her

based as fuck your honorary semite now

whoa dude, like, chill
just post something on vocaroo if you want her to respond

stop giving her attention, ya stupid, thirsty twat

Attached: vargvs.jpg (980x653, 119K)

If you don't have friends, you can't have a gf, pretty much. You need to be more social to find one.

Got anything better to do?

I want to breed with Jewish gf

Daily reminder Finno-Ugrics invented comb

Attached: 1483187308281.jpg (610x461, 48K)

in 2017 there were only 1971 jews in estonia, 926 of them were women. So interestingly, there are more male jews in estonia than female jews.

1478 jews live in the capital so that is basically most of them.
1 jew lives in Hiiumaa. only one, lmao.
135 live in Ida-Viru
2 jews in Jõgeva county
3 jews in Järva county
5 jews in Lääne county
12 jews in Lääne Viru
4 jews in Põlva coutny
20 jews in Pärnucounty
101 jews in Tartu county
81 jews in Tartu city
10 jews in Valga county
9 jews in Viljandi county
5 jews In võru county
and 10 jews with "unknown" location in Estonia.

According to statistikaamet the 1 jew living in Hiiumaa island is a woman, so go for it.

Attached: The-Jews-of-Estonia.jpg (408x272, 26K)

it's interesting that jews live in same places as russians and mostly in cities

since it is known that estonia became judenfrei in 20 january 1942, all the jews must be recent immigrants

the bar in riga where all heroin addicted zoomers go

ok so I found 2019 fresh statistics, as of now there are 1921 jews in Estonia, so 20 jews less that two years ago.

That 1 jew still lives in Hiiumaa though. Only 1 jew left in Jõgeva as well, but that's a male jew.

Toomas Hendrik Ilves on juut ja Eino Baskin oli ka. Nad on kapijuudid mitte Shmuel Koti sugused sitased kaelani ulatuva põskhabemega juudid. Näeks ma Shmuel Koti sarnast juuti päriselus siis teeksin rooma saluuti ja ûtleks Heil Hitler ka

Earn your place slav and germanic cock lover.

Attached: livonians.png (1400x1734, 1.61M)

meant 50 jews less than 2 years ago*

2109 jews in 2012
2094 jews in 2013
2091 jews in 2014
2042 jews in 2015
2023 jews in 2016
1971 jews in 2017
1950 jews in 2018
1921 jews in 2019

Heroin addicted zoomers is a thing?

Oy vey!