Jow Forums thread was introduced in Japan's most infullencial news blog

Watch out, they are watching us!

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Other urls found in this thread:ブリカス

>shahar got featured

God damn I wish it was one of my threads.

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What does the article say about the thread?

why are gooks watching hachima anyway? it's mostly a joke and gossip website

【悲報】日本人、海外で「○○○」という蔑称で呼ばれてしまう! 「JAP」に替わる新たな侮蔑語がこれか・・・

SAD NEWS: These days, the derogatory term of Japanese people is not "JAP", but...

Do your part, slap a jap!

It's still one of the most influential Japanese blogs

>“JAP” is now called “Takeshi”
>isn't that nice?
>it's a pokemon reference
>no it's not a pokemon reference. takeshi is “block” in the dub version

basically like this. nothing to see here.

don't let anyone tell you japan is more disgusting than the west. Japan are moral paragons compared to america

Hey, one of those posts is mine, am I famous yet?


Yes, you and Shahar are now Japanese celebrities

Repay war crimes.

Based Truman.

Like clockwork.

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They also realized "Takeshi" sounds "Take shit" lol

Ma io sono Giapponese

oh fuck. are we getting more japs here then? that's the last thing we need

basatissima bestia nipponica poliglotta

i shat on japs for 2 days straight and kept making anti jap threads and i didnt get featured? fuck you

I wanna be famous. Where can I trash talk some local takeshi-kuns

I translated some comments from the blog

>the world starts to hate Japanese people...

Jow Forumsとか外人も日本人も底辺中の底辺しかおらんだろ
>there are only losers of losers on Jow Forums both foreigners and the japanese

>americans are white pigs and black pigs

>my grand mother once told me that who named "takeshi" are all scum

>famous Takeshi among foreigners is that old guy you know. He is not comedian anymore but stupid conservative filmmaker now (note:he is talking about Kitano Takeshi)

Am I slow? I still call them Tojo

Kinda reinforce that Japanese have literally no clue what sarcasm or crude humor means....

>only I see is they are talking about zainichi

>Takeshi = zainichi

>they are making fun of japanese posters who are bad at English

>It was revealed that zainichi are making mess overseas too

>zainichi are doing bad things even outside of Japan


Literally rent free in Takeshi's mind.

>korean knowing Japanese


whatever happened to the schizo japanese poster who lost his legs when he tried to commit suicide?

That's just the Japanese version of /v/ and reddit news. Nothing new.

Koreans are the niggers of Japan

that's literally you my friend

>Takeshi who has koreans living in his head... he is talking about netouyo you know... I'm ashamed that they are messing around even overseas.

>finally they will notice zainichi is pretending to be japanese

>we don't learn English so no wonder they are making fun of us. Learn English so at least you can play good indie games... but there are more foreigners who learn Japanese, most of the case, they seek Hentai or Waifu, and some food.

>well, we say ブリカス(note: Burikasu = Brit shit, the derogatory term of British people) too so I don't really care.

how can you be obsessed with hachima comments

>>well, we say ブリカス(note: Burikasu = Brit shit, the derogatory term of British people) too so I don't really care.

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Takahiro lurks and would post if he’s really horny.

he's a fucking NEET. it's 4AM and he's doing this.

Nobody uses it. I don't even know what this is, but these sound like mega newfags like Jow Forumsdittors smugly being super edgy tards

>one of the Israeli posts is labeled as (amerika-jin)

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The Japanese have good taste in indie games. Saw some folks discussing sunless sea in the comments and how they learnt English to play it.

>I don't care what the weak who have lower life expectancy than Japan says. Please reincarnate into a cockroach or a maggot as soon as possible.

>Hiroyuki is running Jow Forums if I recall correctly. Well done.

Jow Forumsの在アメリカコリアン必死やな〜
>Koreans in America on Jow Forums are desperately fighting

>The joke is Americans are talking about racism

>I lol'd at "koreans living rent-free in his head"

oh im gonna steal that term for anglosブリカス

In fact, the comment section of this article is more fun desu

can you guys be nice to japan they dont deserve harsh words

These guys could make an article abou the yayoi incel nip, I'm sure even the japanese would crack up with his next level autism.

They are the same anyway.