You should eat bugs to save the Amazon

Enforced soyboism is the only way to save the Amazon

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No we will boycott Brazilian meat instead, it's more efficient.

Fuck off with these threads already no one cares

Do retarded actually believe this?

Enjoy paying like 50% more for meat then

More farms are needed in Brasil because the firsties can't get enough soy actually.

kek most of our meat isnt brazillian anyway.

We didn't import your meat anyway... But I'd suggest to China or whoever buy your meat to boycott it.

Yes, Euros have subsidized meat which will soon get taxes to save the environment. That way the taxes will increase even more and deny common people of cheap protein by guaranteeing even more political power and economic power for global billionaires and politicians

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it's the other way around actually


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Insect protein isn't soy at all. If we replaced our pork protein intake with cricket protein intake we'd actually be getting more protein per gram and less ambient estrogen. Unironically cutting out pork and significant amount of beef would make men more manly and cut greenhouse gas.

Ideally a diet where proteins were consisting of

40% insect protein
20% plant protein (no soy for men, that shit is awful, pea protein is fine)
20% sustainable farmed fish protein (specifically salmon and whitefish)
15% redmeat (sustainable beef, goat, lamb, venison)
5% other

Would be ideal and would actually fix a lot of health issues.

t. pharmacist

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Maybe france didnt but someone in the EU was importing it.

Everybody is importing. They are literally bullshitting. We are the 2nd biggest animal protein exporter of the world, only behind the US

You boycotted your brain a long time ago

Go believe media and socialist hysteria over their idol not being in power here anymore

>20% sustainable farmed fish protein (specifically salmon and whitefish)
Farmed fish is worse for the environment than eating pork, chicken, eggs and dairy.

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I'm planning to open up my own bug farm
Crickets taste like mayoshrimps and worms taste like tasteless shrimps.

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All the meat I buy is produced in France, I genuinely don't know where I can buy Brazilian meat, maybe in Brazilian restaurants?
Maybe eastern Europeans countries are importing it, but I seriously doubt France is importing a lot of it.

fuck the poor

everywhere, they just rebrand it

Funny as you don't even understand that the brazilian meat doesn't really come with a label in portuguese nor brazilian flag.

I don't know how it works in Brazil but in the EU the origin is written on the package, it's the law.

I wanna torture and kill a vegan before i die

I had some roasted crickets one time in high school. Not bad.

I found the numbers :

80% of the meat consumed in France is produced in France, the rest in the EU (Spain, Germany mainly). So long for the Brazilian meat available 'everywhere'.

you can't put the woods on fire on Brazil either, but you guys are going mad for it too

There is a lot of mystery meat in fast food like frozen pizza, lasagna, chicken nuggets and the like. Try to find out where the neat is from next time you buy a pizza salami. Considering how many fast food is eaten nowadays I can imagine its a significant contribution.

>So long for the Brazilian meat available 'everywhere'
The rest of the EU.

France has retarded laws preventing competition

nah, I ll wait for lab grown meat

Yerouporrs believe in media

Enjoy paying a lot of taxes and bringing even more poverty for subsidized meat which will soon be taxed

I would gladly eat big, greasy bugs. I'm not a faggot.

also drop your muscle car, and thanks for your service.

wrong. france operates under eu laws.
thats the point of the eu for the french to protect their agricultural industry.

what a pathetic protectionism.
If french businesses are too inneficient to compete with third world shitholes they should dissapear


actually, they compete by being protectionist. free market is a myth.

Just eat chicken and eggs niggas. I have no idea why being forced to face the fact that beef farming is highly unsustainable sends so many people into a frothing rage over veganism and soi-ness.

Enjoy your Antifa/Chinky great leap forward tier monkey move. You clueless monkeys are just being such chinky far left commies doing ancient Maoism. Coservatives in first world loathe this kind of incect action and it goes against western/Japanese fundamental leberal values as well. Irl isn't like the internet. Nobody supports you.


>eating bugs is soyboism
>eating GMOs isn't

bet you eat mcdonalds and pizza every day you american wannabe subhuman ape

>Soy farmers are behind fires
Fukkin' stop drink soylents.

No problem, I'm already a vegan. I'm not some fat Reddit nerd who can't live without bacon and steak

>burn the amazon
>plant soy in it's place
>tell the world to stop eating meat to save the amazon
>people buy soy from us

agriculture is a sector heavily protected in many countries. it has strategic importance. if you import most of your food you are very vunlerable in war. farmers, while a minority, also have long established influenced in many goverments. not that I agree with protectionism. but its far from unique to europe.

Sssshhh, don't tell them user, just keep feeding them soy... they don't need to know about our secret vats of forced evolutionary soylent.

Well, from an environmentalist point of view, the main advantage of insect protein is that it takes much much much less ressources to produce a definite amount of insect protein than it takes to produce the same amount of cattle protein.

Not if you do it at community or village levels above ground. Native communities in Mexico have started doing it at a rate where a village of 1,000 generates about 430kg of fish meat per day, if you're using corn and plant protein, bug protein as a base it's very doable.

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Well, and you also find that frozen food indicating "beef meat" is actually made of horse meat. Just because it's the law doesn't mean it's respected.
THough I guess it's more difficult to import meat from the other side of the world than frauding using different meats from Europe.

By the way, did you knew that almost all the "canard du sud-ouest" products are made with ducks raised in Vendée and Loire-Atlantique in general? They just move them to the sud-ouest before the slaughtering.


interesting thread

the amazon is burning because our kike overlords are spending our money to destroy our environment to feed those fucking NIGGERS in africaca

should eat brazilians desu

yes come user!

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