
Seriously imagine being Macron:
>People voted him out of exclusion, not because they liked it
>Tries to be Jupiter, fails miserably
>Tries to appease his global overlords over fuel, gets the biggest riots in France for a long time
>Fails to protect Notre Dame, fails to protect its citizens against Islam
>Tries to bring French supremacy over inferior nations again by asserting his rights to the Amazon, gets told by the same "inferior" country and literally gets cockblocked by Merkel
Seriously, Imagine being this pathetic

Attached: Macron_Digital_Summit_(cropped).jpg (973x1308, 573K)

he is still cute :3

>Fails to protect Notre Dame
This should have been French 9/11 and they got away with almost no change.

at least the french aren't getting AK-47'd by a monkey with flip flops over a gold chain

They are

Attached: 0da6f13c79d5b26850412efdab58738b.jpg (758x426, 91K)

And you're not, hold on faggot

Attached: 1566417355563.jpg (900x900, 181K)

The level of cope is getting out of hand....

Macron is a self hating cuck too, French people are pathetic parasites for voting this guy to be in charge

Attached: 5F7B2461-9102-4C7E-BA5C-F2E5AE4B6C78.jpg (453x286, 16K)

Who cares? He's still hot.

>millionaire investment banker
>called “The Mozart of Finance”
>youngest french president ever
>leading role in the EU
Must not be too bad

*posts stock photo taken in the 1980s to show how dire the situation in the amazon currently is*

Attached: 1543955577284.png (720x536, 421K)

Fuck that kike

This was clearly done by a monkey with google translate.

>Fails to protect Notre Dame, fails to protect its citizens against Islam
That's what they're going to do to the deal with apezilia.

chimp is asshurt

>Muh Notre Dame
Someone please post the cringe image. You know the one.


>Fails to protect Notre Dame
False flag attack to get funding. The roof of the cathedral was rotten and unrecoverable.

that was a win/win

>(Rightfully) bully a chimpzilian
>he starts posting pictures of people who died in a horrific islamic terrorist attack
Jesus fucking Christ, get a grip monkey. You deserve the shit that's coming to you, kiss your baboon ass goodbye.

Fuck off, Terroni.

>French poster calling Brazilians monkey

Brazilians are desensitised to horrible massacres, you would be too if you had a third world homicide rate

I unironically want France to become a superpower again, but one that defends Catholicism and the virtues of Monarchy like in the 1200s. I honestly like you guys

Attached: 800px-State_flag_of_the_Kingdom_of_France_svg.png (800x533, 320K)

What's that currynigger? Can't hear you over the sound of the muezzin.


Attached: 1548265501941.png (420x410, 433K)



Attached: 1471631829119.webm (694x666, 1.56M)

>a superpower again
AHAHAHAHAHHAA, when Italy has a second renaissance, when the UK become relevant again and when pigs fly

the biggest fear of frenchs

Attached: 707-inc-express-mobile.jpg (878x585, 53K)

imagine being brazilian KEK

this picture is so fucking beautiful

Looks like Jurassic Park

Go fall off a balcony bong

i just searched for bus image

ban assault busses

A single French Triomphant class nuclear submarine has 16 M51 ballistic missiles with 10 110 kt thermonuclear warheads each. You know what to do, France

lol French women are the biggest contributors to global warming with all that coalburning.

Attached: LovKiz_Paris.webm (576x320, 1.15M)


They're literally begging for a refugee crisis in Latin America because you know why.

Attached: 1566530368921.png (1000x541, 767K)

the mozart of finance? He made one deal, baby food division between Pfizer and Nestlé
A big deal but he's not Jerome Kerviel

Best President we've had since Mitterrrand or Chriac.

Attached: 1539871199193.jpg (845x1200, 496K)


Do it, so we could all hide in the Amazon

>Brazil vs Algeria

bad post

Attached: downvoted.webm (1280x720, 1.08M)