

Attached: 1566571034054.webm (640x360, 1.76M)

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ukraine iq: 71

why do they help them? they deserve it

what the fuck were they thinking?

Attached: 1539810555596.png (704x528, 341K)

he died

>this guy's neck just bent 90 degrees
>better pick up his head and move it around

Natural selection.

wypipo be like

God I wish that were me

>whites are so smart!!!!

Attached: 1490149588336.jpg (220x230, 8K)

Whypipo be like "ooh this slide too slippery"

>mass: 80 kg
>inclination: 45 degrees
>length: 20 m
>friction coefficient 0.5
>sliding time: 4.0 seconds
>final velocity: 50.42 km/h
(ignoring the final 3 meter drop)

The Blood God, Darwin, smiles as he claims another soul

Why women live longer

Bet his mom is sad now

what was the plan?


Attached: 1557004355884.png (454x520, 13K)


No way that's 50km/h. The panels look like they're 1,5m each in length and the first person travels the last 2 panels at the 3 and 4 seconds mark so it's 20km/h at most.
if he hadn't landed on his neck he would have been fine.

Butthurt chink creates copycat tread

No one in the webm died: dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1176228/Horrific-moment-two-drunk-teenagers-slide-glass-roof.html

Based retard

Cтpaдaвший игpoмaниeй пapeнь пoвecилcя пoд Львoвoм в cвoй дeнь poждeния из-зa дoлгoв.

Bo Львoвcкoй oблacти, пapeнь, cтpaдaвший игpoвoй зaвиcимocтью, пoвecилcя пpямo в дeнь cвoeгo poждeния. Oб этoм гoвopитcя в cюжeтe TCH.

Кaк oтмeчaeтcя, в пpeдcмepтнoй зaпиcкe 29-лeтнeгo мyжчины былo нaпиcaнo: "Moя пeтля, мoи дoлги". Oднaкo cкoлькo и кoмy дoлжeн был пapeнь, выяcняют пpaвooхpaнитeльныe opгaны.

Cooбщaeтcя, чтo poдныe caмoyбийцы дaжe нe дoгaдывaлиcь o тoм, чтo oн cтpaдaл игpoмaниeй. B тeчeниe двyх лeт yмepший paбoтaл в шкoльнoй кoтeльнoй. Taм oн и был нaйдeн пoвeшeнным.

Attached: (28)-1000x830.jpg (1000x830, 197K)

the irony here is that this place was a pig pit, where they feed and cleaned pigs in the swamp before butcher shop.

Attached: 14624658635070.jpg (2560x1920, 872K)