Is she all the rage among zoomers in your country?

Is she all the rage among zoomers in your country?

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I want to take a couple of zoomers with me before I go

no one cares about that disgusting cunt

She can lay on my bed tonight


Someone post the /mu/ infodump.

i don't like how her eyes look so sleepy all of the time

yeah, even my best friend is infected with this disease

how much does this thot pay you to shill her on Jow Forums(nel)?

she's unironically into black guys

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only amongst bad guys


Italians are not black

0% people actually know her (and I do only because I'm into classical music and music theory and watched some videos showing how her music sucks)

you saying I gave got my gf porked by mario for nothing !!

It should have been Giuseppe instead

I'm a zoomer. Who is that?

Some of my friends are. I guess even at 22, they're zoomers.

>art hoe
>black guy
Name a better combo

Why do people like her music so much?

Thank God, those delicious curves should not be wasted on small dicked whitebois.

noone really gibes a fuck about another future suicide victiom

Yeah. I even know girls as old as 20 who are obsessed with her


Disgusting maxilla

i dont even know who she is

All zoomers in my country care about is some albo-slut called Ilira. Listened to her shit once and her voice isnt even all that bad, except she just has some godawful, yoko ono-tier screeches in her songs.

nobody including me know this fags name


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That poor dude

i heard shes a bad guy

>yoko ono reference

fuck off boomer

I don't think there's ever been a more obvious industry plant in the whole music history.
17 and achieved fame overnight? no way she didn't suck a producer off

she's a usa product, people outside usa dont really know about her

the guy legit doesn't look homo sapiens
more like Australopithecus

literally who


t. zoomer

Triggered much, zoomer?

yes, she took over as the god of zoomers after extension died
neither of them make terrible music though desu

are those really her feet?

at 15 she's another teenager with pretty voice singing pretty songs.
at 16 she's a fucked up zoomer girl, all quirky, weird clothes and friends with all the rappers, giving down to earth "relatable" interviews.
idk how people argue this


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i was sliding into a jordanian girls DM's until i found out she was ''le depressed'' and listened to this shit lmao. haven't talked to her in months now.