Tfw my town's local finnish alcoholic shat himself in the supermarket today

>tfw my town's local finnish alcoholic shat himself in the supermarket today

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lucky you who can blame the finns when your local alcoholic makes a fool of himselfs

>not being the town's alcoholic

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I am not finnish

I too pissed myself in 3rd grade

At least you have one.

finnish are actually respectable men and god gamers. I doubt there's really some alcoholic finn in your city. I doubt there's any finnish guy interested in wasting his life away in fucking sweden AT ALL

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can you explain what do you mean by this? you don't have anything in Grönland?

No supermarket where I live. Small shop, that is all.

Veary epic

more of a town rapist myself

i am also finnish and drunk right now

bless him. long live the shits

I have a friend who was the towns alcoholic but he got stabbed in the liver and moved to another town.
He's still alcoholic.

am also finnish, drunk and shitting atm

I had a a visiting lecturer from sweden last year who began the lecture by apologizing for being privileged, white and male. Glorious nation :)

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There's like half a millions Finns here though

must be a million at least

keep telling yourself that

There's 700 000 Finns in Sweden. It's basically one of our colonies.

i see squinted eyes every day

damn mongols


His liver must be all fucked up. How is he still alive?

>tfw one of my coworkers wants to move to Finland
Should i try to stop him?

eskilstuna is still filled to the brim with finns wtf are you talking about

Idk but that was 2 years ago, he doesn't stop drinking like almost every day and he snorts a lot of coke + smokes.

isn't the entire area around western Mälaren 90% finns?

Only if he's black.

alcohol actually alters the breakdown of cocaine which to produce a more euphoric but also more toxic metabolite. not good for the brain, idk about liver

if you care about him at all

fake swedish propaganda. move along

I pissed myself when I was walking the dog last week but I think it was because I was really dehydrated and that day I had a huge migraine so I drank shut tons of water as soon as I got home. Couldn't get home in time and stopping at every tree or bush because my dog wanted to see on it was unbearable.

>because my dog
Jesus you people are pathetic.

keep blaming your dog, you filthy serial public pisser

Why didn't you just pee in a bush ?

Idc man. I doubt any cokehead would care either.

that's very based

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here to support you, finnbro.

is this meme true?

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Shäärt in määrt

made me lol. wasnt making a reference to americans being fat, btw

would you like one? a walmart perhaps?

Why didn't you piss on your dog?

>tfw this city is too big to have a "town alcoholic"
its basically IRL Jow Forums everyone anonymous. small town sounds so cozy

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Public urination can get you into sex offender registry in the US.

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>Since 2007, consumption of alcohol in Finland increased by nearly a fifth. Hazardous alcohol use is common: According to a survey of drinking habits, the alcohol consumption of at least 13% of the population is sufficient to cause long-term health risks.

I didn't know it was THIS bad. At least they can afford actual alcohol though. Unlike Russian alchies who have to drink bath lotion and brake fluid.

to put it into perspective, about half of russian men die about ten years earlier than normal due to vodka usage, or something like that

Alchies used to go to hospital and drink the hand sanitizer in the toilets. They had to move the sanitizer dispensers to the hallways because of this.

Russia is based as fuck

f*nns are sissies nowadays

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based europeans and muslims

Denmark, Finland, Hungary and Estonia are the only based Nordic countries

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>zero to 1.9%
That shit is wrong.
So is that.

One of the big rock hair metal bands in the 80's, don't remember which one, saw people acting like this in Finnish festivals. They said something like "I didn't know there was such a big narcotics problem here", and were dumbfounded when someone told them it's all alcohol.

How fucking old are you?

Finland tops the nanny state index.

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In America if you get this drunk you do everyone a favor and pass out

working is for submissive queers

this cannot be a surprise to any finn. one is molded by it

we top many meme indexes

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people pass out in finland, too. its just.. i guess the tolerances are higher. or were, at least

Some humans have this ability that you come across information about things that have happened before and learn it.

im calling bs. youre 62, arent you

It's spreading...
The American plague...

Hell yeah



high five him next time for me

I thought we were bad, I guess not

You can always tell where the Swedes are in Copenhagen by the poodle of pukes in the streets

For his honor, next time i buy snuss from stockholm i gonna piss onto the floor since swedes like that to much.

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this is unironically the best thread on int

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>swede tries to throw shade on a finn
nuh uh, were with him 100%