Why are we killing ourselves

Why the west has lost every will to fight for a better world once upon a time it was very different now the world seem dull and deprived of everything that made it beautiful to explore

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Read Spengler

existence is sucks

Some will blame the germans. Some will blame the brits. Some will blame the french. Some will blame the americans.

But I.
I blame them. Yes, them, you know who.


creatively bankrupt.

because white people evil and bad, multiculturalism and black people good

>I am a f*Rstie westoid now
uhmm, no thanks

The Soviet Union collapsed

most crimes atributed to "white people" were commited by g*rmanic dogs

Dont bring this white black autism here
Nobody with a culture care about that stuff

>Lithuania, Slovenia, Croatia, western world.
>We are not

Yeah. We're not even white

Catholicism plus Protestantism Europe plus AngloAmerica

But we can say that Greece after the citystates period kinda lost the western vibe it had

The future will be anything but dull. In the future of Italy, Africans will receive Italian citizenship the second they step on Italian soil. An Arab man will go around collecting Jizzyah and beheading Italians who are short. A group of Chinese guys will own half the houses in Italy. Last, but not least, the Jew who control Italy will enact Holocaust memorials in every town.

I'm just telling you the reality. In America as a whitey you have to work 2x as hard because you're given that expectation.

The West still thinks the rest of the world is chucking spears and eating shit. Arrogance leaves one complacent

Atheism makes life seem meaningless.


Because it is

Everything sucks now, I'm glad climate change will end the world in 50 years

Benito, my son. It is time to read Spengler

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Oh shut the fuck up. I have to work 2x as hard so you people won't see me as a criminal and freeloader. White Americans literally complain about the most trivial shit.

Why would that help me but being only more cynical

Because if you read Man and Technics, Spengler also describes what you ought to do, and he also describes how the West now encompasses everything, which means we are all going down. Europe, America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, everything is going down the shitter, and there wont be anything left. This makes me optimistic, because it means the future can belong to whomever wants it.

Yes I guess
if you want yet another reset similiar to the collapse of the Bronze Age Civilizations
it will only makes thing more souless though
we will be again less attached to our nature of humans and this thing is frightening

Spengler made this. Thoughts?

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Resume this

Spengler was an idealist moron who believed in esoteric essentialism.

lmao what

>once upon a time it was very different now the world seem dull and deprived of everything that made it beautiful to explore
Once upon a time you were a kid that knew nothing about the world and now you're an adult that does. That's what happened.
And how has the West lost the will to fight for a better world? The only ones that have given up are the misguided populists like here in America or Brazil who want the world to burn out of spite.

>white people die
good, i am neither brown nor white and I love every second of the extinction of the white race
fuck white people

we lost as Europeans
people are trying to go against world peace for some reasons
why do your elite dislike world peace so much
what does it fears them so much


>Latin America
Delete this, we're not w*sterners.

What do you want for the world bud? If you had the power, what would you do?

Certainly wont be the dutch though

make the less wealthy part of the world better
having less countries but overall with better democracy and liberty

Do you consider yourself left or right wing?

Before Westerners were the only people who went to university except for the absolute top of Asia. And basically every modern institution is western but every country has already adopted it.
apart from masbye Germany every western country is now just a meme ecnomy. Random specific services because industry and shitkicker work which is the material backbone of everything will be done by ubumbo el wang for $1 an hour.
nobodies ever fought for a better world though, thats not how wars work . Is purely done based on actors interests and always has been.

the worlds still as peaceful as its ever been

I consider myself apolitical

Won't remain that way for long

Apolitical doesn't necessarily mean centrist. Wanting to help elevate the world's poor into a stronger world flourishing with democracy: breaking down unjust societal-structures where those at the top spit on those at the bottom is very left-wing.
Everyone at their core wants this, but many are sent down the wrong paths, which is how you get rightoids who want to both strengthen freedom but also crystallize government/military power.

The problem is that I don't trust group of people with wealth in their hands to make the right decision
This is becayse this global society is too centered on appearance and individual welfare idk
On the other hand government shouldn't have too much power either
Plus there are too many meme countries whose only purpose is to make big companies to evade taxes making the already rich even richer

>The problem is that I don't trust group of people with wealth in their hands to make the right decision
Exactly, which is why you should always be curious as to those the wealthy most zealously attack. The left in America has to deal with not only the Republican establishment, which is hellbent on throwing every struggling family into the ocean, but also the neoliberal Democratic establishment, our ostensible "allies."
>Plus there are too many meme countries whose only purpose is to make big companies to evade taxes making the already rich even richer
If we wanted to, as the largest economies in the world, we could easily leverage access to our markets to crack down on these countries: we're signing free-trade agreements with them instead.


For me, it's too much effort. Why try hard at university to get a good job and then start a family and all that when I could just survive on a shit job until I die, distracting myself with alcohol and anime. Everything's already been done. I have no innovations or inventions to improve the world. I cant even understand what's going on.

You are not western though.
When I was in Greece greeks themselves said Greece is not European country but balkan one.

I agree but ask yourself why is it too much effort? Because you don't have a reward at the end of the tunnel. Back in the day if you succeeded in ascending socio-economically, you were basically guaranteed a well put together virgin lady being handed off to you from a father. I think it ultimately comes down to sexual liberation and the degeneration of the family. Men are ultimately motivated by attaining virgin women in their prime.

We are not western

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