1: americans
2: arabs (they're all the same)
3: asians (they're all the same)
4: indians
5: the dutch
6: the danish
7: turks
8: mexicans
9: russians
10: americans

Attached: 1555422689529.png (400x400, 154K)

ok retard

No one cares

i hate
1: myself

You forgot niggers and jews.

splendid post
except number 3, what did we ever do to you

I hate nobody
Because I’m not as hateful as a weak Swedish man

Why is Jow Forums so xenophobic?

I hate my mother and so called "family".

I also hate women. Every single one of them.

You love yourself too much

Fear leads to anger , anger leads to hate , hate leads to the darkside

>asians are all the same
>explicitly list arabs, indians and russians as different
What did he mean by this?

>explicitly list arabs, indians and russians as different
>i explicitly listed arabs as all the same
>india and russia are both one country while asias and arabs live in many different countries
now i hate england aswell

Anglos are also collectively scum

When someone hates anything so much, doesn't he hates himself too?

It's sturgeons law that 90% of everything is shit.

Amongst humans that would be anglos, jews, niggers, turks, arabs etc

the time is now, Hans.

Attached: 4rTjDOS.jpg (640x468, 59K)

t. svenskjævel
You were the biggest mistake of the entire Skandinavia

I hate you Swedish fag
Swedish girls belong to my BFC

T. Being ready to suck Somali cock on the next day just to be acknowledge as ''progressive and tolerant''.

I also hate poles

Most Arab countries, India and Russia are all part of Asia, which makes them all Asian. The point I was trying to make is that you claim all Asians are the same, but then you explicitly list multiple types of Asians.

Also there are multiple countries in the Indian subcontinent (India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, etc.)
