If i don't mock lithuanian maybe they don't kill themselves

if i don't mock lithuanian maybe they don't kill themselves

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Europe is greatest country in world

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You're not cute

You are not cute

they will as soon as you refer to the as lithuanians and they remember they have no value what so ever


I never said I was you dumb faggot

du är inte söt

I know

I'm pro-Lithuania

Why would you mock them?
Their women are beautiful
Yours are gorgeous btw

more like pro shithuania
too late
no. Slav(e)s look like fucking goblins. Finno-ugrics on the other hand...

Why the hell would you
write like an arab in this place
Are the that cursed turkish LARPer?
If so I'll flip you off

Well, I guess you don't know what you have until you lose it

No sé, a lo mejor quería que cada mensaje se entendiera de manera separada

>lose it
what do you mean? i don't have anything. I'm an ugly midget loser who will die alone.

If you're fair-skinned or at least not brown enough you can have sex like a rabbit here in Mexico. Latinas don't care if you're short or fat, as long as you're European
Work for a few months and buy a ticket to Cancun

i am balding, i have small, yet nigger-ish lips, i have br*wn eyes and dr*k "blonde" hair. Not to mention i am a bloody dwarf. Not even east asians would find me attractive.

Are you European?
If yes, then there's a 100% probability that you get laid here
Don't give up before you try

i wouldn't consider e*stern "europe" Europe

Just curious, is this the same guy everytime who shits on Lithuania or do you guys all hate the place?

i shit on e*stern "europe" in general. I only shit on shithuania more often because i was born here

Latinas consider Europe everything between Portugal and Moscow
You'll be fine

i'm still ugly af

I've seen Eldritch abominations here getting pussy like there was no tomorrow just because they were foreigners

and that's why abominations like myself are still alive. Disgusting. People like us should be genocided and exterminated.

You can have sex using a condom, that way you know the pleasure of banging a qt latina without worrying of spreading your seed in this world

There's one self hating ugly incel Lithuanian who should kill himself but are too stupid to do it, and he takes it out on the country.

Why? Do they think they have a chance of moving to europe if they fuck us?

my ugliness and nationality are too separate things i hate. I hate the fact that i;m ugly and i hate the fact that im not a westerner

Unironically yes. They're slutty af but they keep dreaming about the white European educated blue-blooded prince who's gonna save them from their shit life

Just kill yourself, move out, or both.

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I dont understand though. All the foreigners in my area just work minimum wage jobs, smoke weed, drink outside and get arrested all the time and generally just make a nuisance of themselves. Why do people still want to come to europe and then continue doing all the shit they were doing back at home anyway?

I'll do it once i move out of my parents' home. I can't hide a helium tank there+

Just hang yourself

Or stab someone on Russian embassy, dunno,

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You didn't get the point, latinas want you to not only marry them and give them an European citizenship, but to provide them with anything they want and they'll only offer a baby-making machine in return.
Some are nice and noble, but the ones that you find in a night club are usually like that
But it doesn't matter because you can always trick them and then dump them when you feel like you've had enough.

why do shithuanians go ape shit(not unlike other e*stern "europeans") when someone insults their so called"country"


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Honestly sounds good. Would like to come over and fuck all the girls and wreck the local economy. Too bad I can't afford the £800 ticket.

>£800 ticket

Last year I went to Europe and my round ticket Mexico City - London - Mexico City cost me $550 USD, which I think it's a fair price

Hmm yeah i could get the price down if i flew to london first. Would have to get the slave driver to let me take my holidays though. Or i could fly to amsterdam and fuck something for money instead