What do you call a shaven Mexican?

Attached: DFNE.jpg (522x522, 51K)

>smooth criminal

Attached: honkler-800x458.png (800x458, 288K)


A mexican and a nigger are in a car.
Who's driving?

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fucking sudaca of shit, go and fuck yourself.

A shaven Mexican

The cop.

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Not nice, pumpkin

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Et tu, Romania?

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go and fuck , belgium piece of shit

why do jews have big noses?

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Seems like you missed school

This is racist. Reported.

>sudaca of shit

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seems like you missed getting aborted

The conch of your mother, u salta walls

Honestly, who fucking cares about irrelevant shitholes in Eastern Europe?

because air is free

Because air is free. [spoiler]fuck Jews [/spoiler]

beat you nigger

What kind of freak just sits around drawing this

They linger on a board whose name shall not be mentioned.

>What kind of freak just sits around drawing this
fuck off armynigger

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The ones not fleeing their own country to get to the USA

Pinche pelon

The founders of usa fled europe