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whenever i see someone on r/soccer with a big english club flair talking mongy nonsense, i trawl through their post history until i find a post that proves they're a yank, reply to them with the evidence of being a yank and call them a clueless plastic yank mong
always get heavily upvoted for this

nice damage control

Gonna do some M tonight and hit up the gay bar, it’s pride parade this weekend so there’s lots of studs in town

What's a pro and cons of your cuntry?


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The slag squad is coming. Quick, claim one!!

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I'll take the yellow dress

*takes one for the team*
yellow dress please boss

just bought a Nalgene bottle. love supporting american businesses

pink dress

The second one, the one behind the third

bloke in the back

blue dress

uni qt sent me a voice message

sent her one back with crowd sounds layered and a muffled version of an ariana grande song playing out my speakers in the background to make it sound like im at a house party or something and that i dont just shitpost in my room alone all summer when i'm home from uni haha

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blue and black dress
or is it white and gold...?



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just got up from supermarket toil
dads absolutely wankered
microwave beef stew with dumpling for tea
up at 5:30 to be back there for 7

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this took me all the way back to 2015 /brit/ like a bullet to the brain

pros - get to larp on Jow Forums about the empire and can bully the many countries that britain btfo historically
cons - i don't actually benefit from the success of the empire in any way or form, have to live in a grey depressing post industrial shithole full of pakis with low wages and high living costs

as far as all of the 'first world' countries go then britain is the shittest grimmest part of the first world

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>Most people are either cunts or hell bent on self destruction
>weather is shit
>small towns are dead
>cities too expensive
>Food is shit if you arent from London

>Most girls are either easy slags or cute/wholesome
>good sport culture
>great history
>The country is just fucked enough to be entertaining but not too fucked that you fear for your life

love posts like these

you lads drain off the fat from the pot/pan after browning a load of mince? how/where do you dispose of it?

i suck it

let it harden then use it as butter

I'll brown you in a minute

wtf I can't tell either!

>>Most girls are either easy slags or cute/wholesome
this is one of the biggest pros, british incels should be ashamed of believe

i unironically believe that if i was born in continental europe then i might be an incel but luckily i was born a working class lad in northern england with plently of slags willing to stoop to the level of an ugly lad like me

with the food waste

>have to live in a grey depressing post industrial shithole full of pakis
why do people do this?

mum called me vf

holy fucking grim

mum asked if i had autism yesterday

I'll have the slag basically showing her fanny, the 4th from left

pros: Cultural, Historical
cons: Social, Political, Economic

genuinely fairly decent/cushy employment prospects if you know how to play the game
about half the country is a grim post industrial shithole

those are knickers lad


still bored atm

just got back from being away from here

You alright?

go anywhere nice?

haha i was only joking what

mum asked why I don't have a gf again, going to heem the slag if she keeps this up.

i think she thinks its a cute little meme disorder like ocd or misophonia

get a job loser

was born in brum and barely have much money whilst toiling and living at my mum and dads

would love to pack up and move to any random town or city in england but the only jobs i could get would just about cover rent and living costs and i'd have 0 disposable income
so it would be even grimmer than living on the outskirts of brum with my parents

Fucking chinese buffet isnt open until 4 30

Fresh start on the morrow lads

Does it worth it to move to Glasgow to my mum? She's a local but also is about to die (fucking junkie cunt)
Have a degree in Russia at programming, so it's not gonna be hard to find a job there. This shithole just makes me really depressed because of its awful climate

should I buy from amazon or a smaller retailer lads.

lymph nodes are very swollen

Listen, what you did back there, I won't forget it. Thanks.

I have more important job than you

mindgames to make you angry, don't give in

Which part of brum?

whats that?

aston pal

lads i want chocolate milkshake but i dont have any, can i make a hot chocolate and put it in the fridge for half an hour?

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All nice but seen it all thousands of times.

[game show wrong buzzer sound]

dont bother then i reckon

why whats it to you


what are those

why are boomers so...horny? all the time, too
they're notoriously pervy and desperate

should probably learn a trade if you cant move out lad

got called a nigger freak in greggs

The business will not take care of itself

they aren't more or less than anyone else
they could say the same about millenials with the porn etc

whisker you in mate

Whenever you’re doing good they just insist on trying to make you miserable lol
get your own life to worry about

i dunno

>This shithole just makes me really depressed because of its awful climate
scotland or russia (bear in mind it doesnt matter because both are grim)

work from home lad thats what i do

for what it's worth, i reckon glasgow is the closest place in britain to russian culture lol
I recommend you watch all 3 series of Limmy's show which is based around Glaswegian banter although you may struggle with the accent at first

I'm not even Scottish but this is the best British sitcom of the 21st century, it's better than the office or peep show

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they’re old and the want to feel youthful

Boomer pressed her tits into my shoulder when she was showing me a bit of paper today.

The Lauren Southern Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

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my flat

lads please help me how can i make chocolate milkshake with just hot chocolate

programmer amirite

are you talking about my mum or yours?


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Schizo affects the entirety of the Western media with his posts
It's an important job

no NEET haha
working hard or hardly working i wonder

How is it? You get cabin fever?

french airbnb hostess did this to me

wearing a gimp suit at the moment lads

thanks for joining us today
we are blessed with your presence

lmfao he really is one of the best posters we've ever had.

>work from home

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fucking hell he needs medicating ASAP

might buy some dr martens

piss off limmy you silly unfunny cunt your show was shit and I wish I never heard of you


scarlet fever right now
jaundice last month
doctor said id give jaundicelad a run for his money
doctor said i looked like someone dropped maggie simpson in a packet of wotsits
fine now though
scarlet fever aside


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