Post your town city flag

post your town city flag

Attached: berries.jpg (336x216, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread:çois_d'Orléans,_Prince_of_Joinville).

>olives on an iceberg

> olives
oh, these were olives. I thought they were blueberries

olives don't grow on icebergs though, it's chilean propaganda


Attached: IMG_20190804_162453.jpg (1080x1920, 616K)

Attached: Tampere.vaakuna.svg.png (250x284, 14K)

just saying, if you want to display your town's flag next to your regular flag, get the extra/flag/ plugin. For more info hop over to the /flag/ general

What happened to him?

its ok

Attached: download.jpg (214x235, 11K)

what happened to the argie poster?

Attached: 1444337085533.png (1106x1012, 660K)

you won't believe me but OP and the argie were a couple

I already knew that. I wanted to know what happened to the argie anime poster.

He's your countryman, you tell us.

oh, you don't know what happened then?


Attached: D-ovBCVWsAAbF4m.jpg large.jpg (600x373, 27K)

'They' seemed like proxies. It was too mechanical

they liked doves

Attached: bc.png (1024x1126, 458K)

they uh...

well, you


Attached: db4.jpg (495x362, 17K)

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Yokohama,_Kanagawa.svg.png (1280x853, 27K)

How the fuck don't you know what happened to him?

der führer ist tot

Attached: 1463195840761.jpg (800x731, 230K)

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Acadiana.svg.png (1200x867, 33K)

Are you filipino?

bruh look at this dude

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Tampa,_Florida.svg.png (2000x1130, 178K)

Attached: hr-ri-cb.gif (432x216, 6K)

No, 68% English 38% Scottish (according to Ancestry DNA test).

>american porcentages

Attached: 1447685911092.jpg (433x419, 31K)

el bonus 6% hombre...

106% whiter than you pablo

Attached: 1564906203877.png (218x231, 6K)

Our municipalities doesn't have flags, but this is our coat of arms. It represents the fortress, as well as the river that has been the lifeline of the town.

Attached: Kongsvinger_komm.svg.png (922x1024, 30K)

Attached: 1546876900824.png (1024x683, 72K)

Behold the joinvillense BVLL.
The pride of it's colonisers

Attached: dd.png (1280x922, 184K)

WE WUZ: the flag

how so?

Fuck yes.

Attached: file.png (1200x840, 143K)

ugly flag. This is Basque Country-tier.

Red on green. Bad choice.

I think it looks pretty good IRL.

Attached: file.png (900x450, 503K)

no no. It's not heraldry, but the rules of tinctures should be followed

Attached: 1200px-Jyväskylä.vaakuna.svg.png (1200x1814, 272K)

fleur-de-lys, norwegian lyon, and prussian eagle

it's alright looks wise tho

>This is Basque Country-tier

so it's good?

Attached: ArizonaFlag.jpg (800x600, 46K)

actually bottom left might just be a random lion

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Los_Angeles,_California.svg.png (1200x800, 105K)

The fleur-de-lys is a reference to the french prince that gained the land as dowry(çois_d'Orléans,_Prince_of_Joinville).
The lion is indeed the norwegian lion. There were like 4 norwegian families that colonised the city. While small in numbers they had a relevant impact on the city, although they become heavily germanised with time.
The prussian eagle is correct too. Thousands of prussians migrated here.
A few swiss went there too.

It looks horrible user.
Why even use these african colours?