International topic

I LOVE white women!!!! I dont like med mongrel women because they are annoying.

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I hate fat people
Just stick to a diet, what the fuck

>he cant appreciate it
Your not a man little queer

I have a weight gain fetish if you catch my meaning and by that I mean I am sexually aroused by skinny women getting fat

This is how you adapt when two third of all women are fat

I'm fit as fuck bro, I ran seven miles this morning in an hour. Women are supposed to be soft and flabby, it's the natural order

It's a problem, any kind of white woman I fucking want to fuck. I have zero attraction to asian women. No matter the age or body type, I will fuck them.

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No offense but you seem to be an actual homosexual.

>tfw white belly gf

Are you a Muslim by chance?

too skinny

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I'll say.

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No, I like white women not white children.

based and high test

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I love asian women because my cock is below average and weak willed so being the submissive one in the relationship is my role. I also have an avid intrest in games, comic book heroes and japanese trash entertainment. Dont forget balding too!

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Hooooooo yeesssss!
Look at that filthy redneck pig.

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>Women are supposed to be soft and flabby
This is your mind on cheeseburgers.

she doesnt have to try because the dudes here are thirsty as fuck and have no standards

what the fuck is she thinking wearing an outfit like this

op is a blonde femcel

dont feed her

every time she tries to eat a cheeseburger, slap it out of her hand and shove your cock down her throat until she pukes

Based and brazillianpilled