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>rich billionaire white brothers BAD
>rich billionaire Jews GOOD

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Yeah I'm gruff, imposing, a little rough around the edges, but check it out: I'm also a cum guzzling Hollywood libshit too

Said no one except Trump.

Who are you quoting?


no clue who that is but based
nothing like pissing on someone's grave while it's still fresh

BASED AND REDPIILLED. why is everybody dabbing on the brothers though?


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I don't like how people are giving Charles shit about how his brother's dead. I get the hate but it's the dude's brother, just give him some condolence on that. It's like if one of the Bog twins died and people just gave them shit.

Kochs are jews.

They're a bunch of rightoid climate-Bolsonaros hellbent on destroying the world.


These people subverted democracy by making politicians unelectable unless they sucked their KOCHS. They deserve to have their graves pissed on


The Koch brothers (though I guess it's just
"brother" now lol) have spent the last 20 years of their lives making everything worse. They have nothing good to show for their lives. Fuck them they deserve to suffer.

No they aren't. They're German.

Based Ron

Attached: Ron Perlman.jpg (250x288, 24K)

>The Koch brothers (though I guess it's just "brother" now lol) have spent the last 20 years of their lives making everything worse. They have nothing good to show for their lives. Fuck them they deserve to suffer.

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>These people subverted democracy by making politicians unelectable unless they sucked their KOCHS. They deserve to have their graves pissed on

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If you want to be respected after death try actually doing something with your life that is worth celebrating. The only people that the Kochs have ever cared about is themselves.

>If you want to be respected after death try actually doing something with your life that is worth celebrating.

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>>The Koch brothers (though I guess it's just "brother" now lol) have spent the last 20 years of their lives making everything worse. They have nothing good to show for their lives. Fuck them they deserve to suffer.

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>when you work your entire life to kill public transportation but end up being killed yourself instead

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>The Koch brothers (though I guess it's just "brother" now lol) have spent the last 20 years of their lives making everything worse. They have nothing good to show for their lives. Fuck them they deserve to suffer.

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>Why yes I do plan on crying myself to sleep tonight over this, how could you tell? White men have lost a great champion after all.

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All oligarchs deserve execution

He's not an "oligarch" just because he has a lot of money you jackass. You really need to respect men like that. They are the only reason we are able to enjoy the fruits of judeo-christian civilization in peace.

Rightoids literally in meltdown

based retard

Still being payed from beyond the grave? xD

>He's not an "oligarch" just because he has a lot of money you jackass. You really need to respect men like that. They are the only reason we are able to enjoy the fruits of judeo-christian civilization in peace.

Attached: frwgrewg.png (194x252, 128K)


The bootlicker mentality is too real

What's the deal with all these people of dubious morality mocking an innocent entrepreneur's passing? Is being hard-working, providing jobs and contributing to prosperity some kind of crime in the mind of leftists?

Another thread saved by soyjak

Not falling for this weak ass bait

>He's not an "oligarch" just because he has a lot of money you jackass. You really need to respect men like that. They are the only reason we are able to enjoy the fruits of judeo-christian civilization in peace.

Attached: FA87B8F2-087A-4DC8-A720-34B123014A49.jpg (3000x2000, 557K)

>innocent entrepreneur
>made his fortune from Nazis and Stalin

Ahh yes the so called, innocent entrepreneur

>>innocent entrepreneur
>>made his fortune from Nazis and Stalin

>Ahh yes the so called, innocent entrepreneur

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Welp there goes the election.

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This but unironically. Hopefully in the far future we can achieve true freedom of movement and not for disingenuous, capitalist reasons.

>Yes I did support the Koch brothers attempts at instituting open borders. We are all one people and one race after all. Borders are just an abstraction designed to keep us separated.

Attached: gigachad34534545.jpg (477x599, 38K)

Keep coping argie tard

They probably hated Trump

They did but they supported him in 2016 anyways (after the primary of course.)

Leftist mong is triggered perhaps? Kek

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Fucking hell what’s with the boomer tier meme, cringe bro at least hit me with something good I’m obviously not a liberal, the right can’t meme

fucking based

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It's just a image with facts

>spend your entire life ass raping the left
>pretty much kill them in the US
>the most leftoids can do to stop you is mock you after your death
Laugh it up faggots but he still beat the snots out of you for decades and would have done so for longer had he not died.

the only good leaf post ever

>spend your entire life ass raping the middle class
>pretty much kill them in the US
>the most middle classoids can do to stop you is mock you after your death
Laugh it up faggots but he still beat the snots out of you for decades and would have done so for longer had he not died.

It's ok, I'd be seething too if my side were losing the culture war, my dilating friend.

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>culture war

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Why is he showing off such a pathetic body? Dude has nothing to be proud of.

Stupid South American’s I’m literally talking to a monkey aren’t I

they were spiritually jews

Conservatism IS the new counter culture


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Yikes this is cringy

RIP to the Coke brothers, they were lib-owning job creators who supported based republicans and redpilled america on the (((climate change))) hoax. By the way Im not a cuck or a beta male, I’m actually pretty racist and post on Jow Forums a lot. but I honestly believe that black men are sexual gods

I was at a summer camp this year for a French immersion program with about 600 people and we were all college age so naturally there was a lot of fucking going on. The white boys I knew got about 2-3 lays during the month. Not bad. But the black men in the camp were shagging a new girl almost every day, it was ridiculous. I knew one named Clinton who took 6 white girls virginities in just 4 weeks.

Blacks are just so effortlessly cool and masculine. Not to mention how naturally muscular and hung they are. We had shared showers and all the black men were packing at LEAST 7 inches, with really thick girth as well. Young white girls just seemed to gravitate towards them. As a white boy I had no chance to pull when I was competing with a black man.

back to work paco


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war... war never changes

>Yikes this is cringy

Attached: 1563684320709.jpg (378x378, 33K)

Stay strong, bro. We have the truth and morals on our side. We are stronger than leftist vermin.

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>american politics
every week is one side having a shitfit while the other cries


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>They're a bunch of rightoid climate-Bolsonaros hellbent on destroying the world.

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splendid job triggering the incels

>Is being hard-working, providing jobs and contributing to prosperity some kind of crime in the mind of leftists?

>Stay strong, bro. We have the truth and morals on our side. We are stronger than leftist vermin.

Attached: 34254.png (980x800, 472K)

that guy makes me cringe on a new level


>all these lefty posts listing the evil things the Koch Bros. donated money to
>not a single lefty post highlighting the fact that they were the biggest proponents of Open Borders initiatives

Attached: CSYf9TzWsAAf-Fg.jpg (400x400, 21K)

But you lost the Malvinas War

>not a single lefty post highlighting the fact that they were the biggest proponents of Open Borders initiatives
What do you mean? Koch-neolibs support open-borders for cheap, unregulated labor. Leftists seek to negate that through policy that protects immigrant-labor from exploitation.