Thoughts on Asian Americans?

thoughts on Asian Americans?

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They make America relevant


dog eaters

I'm a bit offended that I emailed the Jap foreign exchange student about hanging out and he never responded

he probably doesnt like you then.

he does't like you

Sure but at least give me a "No"

responsible for like 95% of racebaiting and garbage shitposting on here. i hate them so much.

possibly the worst 'group' in the developed world

japs have a habit of not replying back because they hate you.
gooks just tell you to fuck off in the harshest way possible.
chinks would probably exploit your friendship for monetary gains.

US-Born and raised asian women are literally trash. Either weeb scum who are an embarrassment to normal asians or just whores who are desperate to be black. No wonder so many are shooting porn and camming. Look at asian american women, with pretty much every race you can tell the typical jobs they do but you think of what does an US born asian woman do and nothing comes to mind.

They are purely worthless creatures.

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They're pretty cool

that's cuz you live in britain you fucking moron. you imagine a caricature of asian american women because of all the Jow Forums memes that has addled your little brain.

he's right, kim zheng.

Eheheh the jap cold shoulder is a million times more effective than micropenis Americans making impotent death threads

>indian is OK

asian americans get a disproportionate level of attention on sites like this and elsewhere despite making up a mere 5% of the population. i can't quite figure out what exactly it is about asians that make white people seethe so hard. the average wigger here has no exposure to asian americans outside of perhaps a few who's met wayward asian americans.

First generation is the golden one. They intergrade but don't forget their culture. Second generation and beyond is trash, their women become white mens whores and their men quiet betas , both hate their own race

I don't think there's a more insecure group of people on the planet

ching chong

it think it's yellow fever and the hate of it

Usually very cool people despite an unusually high rate of authoritarian apologist incel types
maybe it reminds me of here

Overall though, cool dudes and qt grils

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All the ones I know personally are vietnamese and they are based.

All the college students that come here seem to be chinese and they are cringe as fuck

nah it's gotta be that most of us live an ideal safe clean middle class life that most whites can only aspire to while white folks are busy doing things like pic related.

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Nigga this site doesn't care about white women. It's all about Asian women and most of us have yellow fever.

Why do people do this and expect it to catch on for any reason other than PC Culture? You already know that when people just say "Americans" they mean the fat white hicks, not black people, or asians, or wetbacks fresh off the bus. That's why we have to have terms like "Asian-American" and "Mexican-American" to differentiate.

Aren't you people okay with just being Asians or Africans or Mexicans? It makes more sense and is a better descriptor - its not like you're actually part of the country, after all.

>Both hate their own race

Why the hell do you think people come to America, for their fucking health? Its because the rest of the world is full of shitholes and people don't want to live in a shithole, so they come here instead. Its not because they secretly want to remain Chinkoid in their hearts, or something.

I don't know why you're chimping out. He wants to know about Asian-Americans as opposed to Asians anywhere else.

thats how the american goverment classifies them

No you retard. There are plenty of foreigners who identify as that. I also don't want to be associated as subhuman when I say I'm American so I'll either go by Asian-American or Japanese-American.

>I identify as 37 genders and that means 37 genders exist
>I identify as Asian-American and that means Asian-Americans exist

Found your problem. You think your thoughts and feelings supercede reality. Also, you seem to be under the mistaken impression that "X-American" isn't several steps lower on the totem pole than the most august Confederacy holdout.

Asian-Americans are statistically superior than white Americans in terms of IQ, safety, income, likability, education and etc.

Extremely marginalized people.
Exposed to extreme racism on a daily basis, but successful in spite of the racial hatred.

The strongest members of the Asian race, not necessarily the smartest, but stronger than the typical Asian. Foolish enough to run to a nation on the other side of the earth where they are unwanted and hated.

Based but redpilled.
Based retard.

I think they are usually fine.They make good community members.

Yes. Yes they are. But they're still Asians, and no amount of "Asian-American-ing" is going to make people who aren't Americans into Americans. You are Asian, and you came from a place that is not America.

its our colony now, too bad

I loathe asian amerian men.

Hey, its all good. We'll just do what we did last time someone thought America was a colony, except this time we'll get to turn some really pretty islands into really pretty glass.

I'm was born here and I'm of Asian ethnicity. You can cope all you want but we are objectively better than you.

What are you talking about? I hear the term White-American often.

You can be objectively better all you want but it won't save you.

You mean Irish-American, Italian-American, 1/16th-German-American?


All of the above

I'm glad that Asian people are able to start families here and practice and experience democracy, since it triggers the a*thoritarians. Also Europe is pretty much irrelevant at this point

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I suspect a lot of that's just immigration filtering and the fact that they're more recent for the most part though, a couple generations down the line and we'll start seeing more like the aspie korean guy who walks down the street in my town holding a bible and hitting himself while screaming.

white people are objectively retarded though.

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Have a half asian-half white friend, bit of a darky, but he doesn't speak any of that ching-chong shit, and he's actually Christian, and patriotic

so overall 8/10

What about Indonesia and Malaysia though?

they're like bananas yellow on the outside but white on the inside. They'll abandon their heritage desperately trying to fit in only to still be viewed as foreigners 100 years later.

it's 1.86, right?
(7km total/15 minutes total)*4 to go from 15 min to an hour

Usually fine, sometimes seething incels

Asian bro, you are good with math, explain to me why 28 is right but 28.3 is not.

7km/15mins = 28km/hr

or you can weigh the two averages

[(4/9)*(9/15) + (3/6)*(6/15)] *60 = 28

Ah I understand now, I tried to average the averages of the trips together, thank you.

Yikes. By that logic europran descended immigrants aren't American either

Because there's no such thing as a democracy in Asia and being a minority in a system that in its purest form gives power solely to majorities is endearing

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Entitled cunts

incredibly insecure men, they seem like teenagers who never grow up
the girls are okay though
yellow fever and the perpetually butthurt aznidentity types that frequent here a lot make them look even worse

what would an aussie know about asian americans? am i missing something?

Japanese people have cute girls and a good culture

Chinese have desperate people willing to do shitty work, annoy all of us with shitty goods

Please come we won't intern you again

sydney is 10% asian australian
i'd imagine they behave in much the same way - ive seen asian americans described the same way i'd describe asian australians

Racist scum like whites and Indians.

these are the only asian australians i know. why did they asian australian women marry asian australian men if they're perpetual teenagers? i don't get it.

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a korean makeup artist my sister is obsessed with moved to australia and married a taiwanese aussie guy. how does that happen? this is supposed to be impossible according to Jow Forums

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There are taiwanese australians? Strange i've never met one, just cantonese and mainlanders

you didn't answer my question. why are qyuality women marrying perpetual teens? are these relationships doomed?

Born and raised in Asia or US are shit.

Get an Asian who grew up in Europe, or who grew up in at least two countries equally, and spent time in other countries. They are less ignorant and have less of a inferior complex. And they speak more than one language.

They're pretty cool, I've always gotten along with Mixed and Asian kids. All of them were usually into the same stuff as me. One of them was into amateur filmmaking and we made some stuff. I made a Midwest Emo band like Camping in Alaska with some of them but we never really played much outside of my neighborhood. Overall, Asian kids are pretty based.

What makes you think the Korean make up artist is a quality woman? she might just be ethnocentric to a point of not considering non-asians
And I did say I've never met a Taiwanese Australian so how could my opinion apply to one? dumb chinsectoid
>why are qyuality women marrying perpetual teens?
some people prefer to stick to their own, nothing wrong with that

>What makes you think the Korean make up artist is a quality woman? she might just be ethnocentric to a point of not considering non-asians
there it is. i didn't realize until browsing this board there were white people who are actually annoyed by the asian women who dare live in the west and date asian men. truly eye opening stuff. never occurred to me.

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you asked why someone would consider dating who is hypothetically undesirable and I gave you an answer, I wouldnt mind dating a child like girl if she could make up for it somehow or otherwise aligned with my values.
>white people who are actually annoyed by the asian women who dare live in the west and date asian men
where are you even getting this from? have sex

genuinely eye opening seeing whites talk about asians. must be maddening to anyone with yellow fever to see attractive asian women paired off with asian men. of course asian men are by default undesirable so any asian woman dating them when they have other options must be doing it for reasons other than just being attracted to them.

Fuck Asians and American Asians. American Asians are worse than niggers. They are basically niggers.

Big yikes

You are such a child.
you asked why someone would consider dating who is hypothetically undesirable and I gave you an answer, I wouldn't mind dating a child like girl if she could make up for it somehow or otherwise aligned with my values.
Obviously not every western born Asian is as childish as others. If the state of Asian men in the west wasn't dismal however r/asianmasc wouldn't exist . Regardless you obviously have some narrative you desperately want to fit this conversation into. Why don't you just grow up? You present a good example yourself of what you're trying to argue against.


They're asian-americans because they're Asian and *gasp* LIVE IN AMERICA. Stupid retard trying to tow the line by pretending that ethnicity doesn't exist and that their are different kinds of americans.

America is more of a mindset not a culture. You dont have thousands of years of cultural tradition and local history like Asia and Europe does.

Save him from what exactly?

I don't have any problem with them (except for those Jow Forumsaznidentity faggots) and one of my best friends is Japanese
But this pic is just fucking hilarious

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They’re very insecure on the internet(particularly here) and constantly want to feel victimized. All western born Asians tend to be whiny sjw cunts