Im not a cuck or a beta male, I’m actually pretty racist and post on Jow Forums a lot...

Im not a cuck or a beta male, I’m actually pretty racist and post on Jow Forums a lot. but I honestly believe that black men are sexual gods

I was at a summer camp this year for a French immersion program with about 600 people and we were all college age so naturally there was a lot of fucking going on. The white boys I knew got about 2-3 lays during the month. Not bad. But the black men in the camp were shagging a new girl almost every day, it was ridiculous. I knew one named Clinton who took 6 white girls virginities in just 4 weeks.

Blacks are just so effortlessly cool and masculine. Not to mention how naturally muscular and hung they are. We had shared showers and all the black men were packing at LEAST 7 inches, with really thick girth as well. Young white girls just seemed to gravitate towards them. As a white boy I had no chance to pull when I was competing with a black man.

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is this for real


it is known

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agreed, op

bit gay

it would be interesting to know the percentages vice versa, as well

shut up abeed

brazil you need to have a snickers

stop calling me that

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Well, personally, I think all living things should be destroyed, be the alpha or beta, due to the existence of natural selection, which is an affront to all life, and I refuse to vote for any party that denies me the use of weapons in order to kill more things with.

This dude can coast in life with his looks. Why did he turned to crime?

>i'm not a cuck but here im going to serve you my cuck fantas painted as if it really happene

his looks were discovered only after criminal activity

Jow Forumstards are obsessed with BBC, yes we knew that

imagine being released from prison because people find you attractive.

people generally dont care for your wrongdoings if youre attractive. this is nothing new.

What was he imprison for? What did he do after getting out? Modeling?

fucking white hoes and fucking white hoes

Probably those Mexican gangs.

dont know about what he did prior but as far as i know this media publicity began from his mugshot going viral

>Im not a cuck or a beta male
sorry senpai but you are

god i wish that were me

stop being so weird americans you dont fuck an octopus