Post your best "do Americans really"'s

Post your best "do Americans really"'s

Attached: 1560505349729.webm (800x450, 2.34M)

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I loved going to the walmart dance festival. My parents would take me and my brother to watch when we were young.

same but we would try to get front row seats to the monthly walmart wrestling match. it was so much fun as a kid.

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Attached: the_grass_is_greener_on_the_other_side.webm (460x460, 1002K)

ok, now that's cheating

Wagie v. BVLL

Attached: I_would_have_known_0.webm (478x360, 2.77M)

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The walk of shame

Attached: yyzelk25ttc21.jpg (2448x3264, 664K)

>So help me, Sam

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cumskins are so pathetic lmao

Would quit my job as soon as I saw that shit.

hey guys

I went to Walmart this morning and I unironically saw this meme chanting by the employees and manager

I was more amused than cringe to see a meme surface irl

The chicken dance....jesus christ.

God I hate corporations so much
I would rather live in a totalitarian tyrannical dystopia than a soulless corporate dystopia

Who's Sam?

I love how perplexed he looks when he holds that scooter piece at the end.

Sam Walton. Founder of Walmart and Sam's Club.

The guy Walmart and Sam's Club are both named after

Oh my fucking god what the hell is wrong with these people

Is he worshipped by Walmart or sumfin?

Uncle Sam

>the walmart dance festival

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This is uk

Who the fuck robs a store with their face fully visible?

this woman is 100% british

hes probably not even using a real gun

>posting a shopped image

Americans really do sing Walmart carols

>tfw no nordicuck gf (male)

how about this one

Attached: iu-3.jpg (500x293, 21K)

he handled it pretty good actually.

he gives zero fuck about it
it make me wonder if he's used to it

I think the UN should launch a peacekeeping operation and liberate all workers in walmart and such place

i would not give a fuck especially if I worked at a shithole like jimmy johns. I'm not dying for some sandwich chain

>*sigh* yes sir, $471 coming right up.