Can I ask a serious question? Why do niggers think they are so important? They go on and on about slavery and unfair rights and all that but all of it applies to literally every other minority as well. Yet niggers are the only ones up in arms about it. They don't even seem to care that that stuff has and still does affect others, they think only of themselves. I really don't understand it.
Can I ask a serious question? Why do niggers think they are so important...
Why do you care fgt
Ask them yourself?
dey need dem gibs
african-AMERICANS received probably the worst treatment out of all the ethnic minorities, only second to native americans. when you look at the other non-white ethnic groups such as chinese, latinos, japanese, irish, filipinos, and italians, none of them have had it nearly as bad as natives and africans in America, in both severity and time span
Low IQ
>Can I ask a serious question? Why do niggers think they are so important?
Imagine carrying about hypotheticals they pose
This view is only popular by white incels in the U.S. No one else in the world gives a shit.
This. Seriously youre very sheltered op. Literally everyone on earth seems to hate black people, and that has a big effect. You'd be shooting up pre schools if you were mistreated and vowed as irredeemable. White people could not handle the shit minorities have experienced. There would be miles of bodies
t. nigger