Ok Germany please explain explain

Ok Germany please explain explain

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the holocoaster







This theme park deserves 6 million stars.


It's not a roller coaster though

shuddup faggot

I'm right

Germans, much like anglos and nordics, exist to serve the jews, and will do so without question.

Why haven't any Germans posted? Do they get booted off the internet like chinks do with Tianamen

>why are germans not posting at 5am

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>no one on this site has an irregular sleep pattern

A friend showed me a video of the ride about a week ago, when it was still running. It was pretty funny.
But now I see it has shut down.
It's stupid. That ride looks fucking sick. And it gets shut down because some jews died.
Some people are retarded.

you cheeky fucker

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Forbidden only on the ground that it looks like that
There is a society without freedom

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well duh, it's a holocoaster, pay attention dummy

Why can't germans stop being nazis?


Barbarian genome

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Shut the fuck up butthurt monkey dont you have more threads to kill on Jow Forums?

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Genocidal gene stock, especially concentrated on a*Strians

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Indeed based.

The spirit of Mein Führer lives on, subconsciously

Τhe swastika is literally a 2-D windmill ffs.
It is logical for some apps ffs.

Fuck that shit ffs...

These are the kinds of high quality posts that keep me coming back here.


Well they arent shutting it down, they are just removing one of the eagles on each arm to get rid of the swastika shape.

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holy shit

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Rare footage from Auschwitz extermination camp's death machine, 1943 (colorized)