Why do Americans hate China so much? You're going to make things more expensive for all of us
Why do Americans hate China so much? You're going to make things more expensive for all of us
im black and i hate both america and china
Nah senpai. We’ll just move factories to Vietnam, India and Indonesia
I'd rather pay 4 dollars more for a switch than have china be a super power lol
IP theft
Human rights abuses
Tyrannical society
why are you so paranoid? china was the superpower for centuries and nobody even noticed it
Chinese people are cool but they're really brainwashed to accept and conform to authority
enjoy the incoming recession you slut, it'll take decades to give each of those a manufacturing capability and technology base on par with that of China.
Have a heart for corporations and their suffering profit margins, you heartless poor person.
As if Westfags aren't
They've been getting uppity and mouthy lately. Since they been acting so cheeky it's time to put them back in their place.
They're ok individually but when you bring in any kind of opinion contrary to what they've been brainwashed to think, they sperg out like insects
As a group they are dangerous, rude, and immoral
we talking about americans or chinese people?
Chinese people strike me as having an insect mindset. They don't seem to have compassion or consideration outside of their family and in-group. You can go to Taiwan and see the same race but with a completely different mindset.
Chinese people use oil from the gutters as cooking oil for their food. They scam and cut corners whenever possible, and don't care what happens.
bitch have you ever thought critically about the super-patriotic jenkem which constitutes american TV?
The American propaganda machine is a most subtle, effective, and excellently tuned wet dream for any aspiring dictator.
Chinks overall are pretty bad. But Communism somehow made them even worse
>You can go to Taiwan and see the same race but with a completely different mindset
that's because taiwan is a developed country while china is a developing country, Do you think australians peasents in the 50's were as civilized as you are now?
>thinking critically
This. China could have flattened Europe at its height but it just never did.
racist capitalist (lol wage slaves aren't capitalists) peasant hates racist communist peasants
wOw! That's unique and different!
Yeah but most Americans at least disapprove of US government actions. Chinese culture sort of doesn't do that
Pax Americana must remain unchallenged to work.
They are top down robots.
If governments tell them to genocide birds they'll do that
We have to have someone we hate but can't invade or else we'll just invade
It's a strange trick we play with ourselves but it works
no you guys don't c'mon dude. the propaganda is so thick you guys can't even see it. remember vietnam war? iraq war? afghan war? you all supported it when the government was REEEEEEEEE TERRORISTS. and years before that it was McCarthyism with REEE COMMUNISTS.
>IP theft
Yanks in a nutshell.
>Human rights abuses
Something the western world excels at or are we going to completely overlook all of their wars, interventions, terrorist training, coups, etc. etc. etc.?
Communism is what modern societies should strive for.
>Tyrannical society
This is a joke, right?
Honestly, get the fuck out of my country, you traitorous crypto-yank dog.
Everyone here is disillusioned as fuck with the wars our government wages. No one wants anymore interventionist wars.