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thailad what's the song born slippy about

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i never got into david bowie

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lubed up baby

she got pretty blue eyes


off to the pub

i'm drunk lads

the duality of man

quick trip, must have gotten pretty fucked up to end up in America


cars just died in mcdonalds car park needed a jump start sat there for ages thinking fuck what am i going to do trying to start it and lone behold these two immigrants run over and say do you need help ive got cables long story short i love immigrants now

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Me too. But there's fucking nothing to do. No-one to talk to, nothing the YouTube, nout.

How do you know they were immigrants?

are there a lot of jews in the UK/Ireland? do you guys have to deal with the eternal hebrew?

having a wank

brown and werent english

Mostly in London I think.

They might have been Welsh.


imagine the welsh lifting a finger

>Studies have shown that ugly babies get cuddled less than cute babies

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the MAGAtArd mindset
>a shitskin was nice to me wtf i love ethnic replacement now

these fucking retards are so lost lol

nigger eyes

>the MAGAtArd mindset
>>a shitskin was nice to me wtf i love ethnic replacement now

>these fucking retards are so lost lol

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believe me theres internal conflict schizo lad but them two immigrants saved the day

>the MAGAtArd mindset
>>a shitskin was nice to me wtf i love ethnic replacement now

>these fucking retards are so lost lol

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These people think 1488ers ate made because they got mugged by a nigger once

been awake since half 2 unable to drift back off and now fuming as I'll most likely be nodding by fucking 7 or 8 or some shit this evening

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the cognitive dissonance of casual racists that arent actually 14ers you mean

Count potatoes.

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such is life

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Have just seen the fastest spider ever lads

Thing fucking rocketed across my wall

Got the bastard with a pizza box, but think I snapped some plastic bar inside my window blind in half

Should have let the fella be. He'll do you no harm.

depends how many average-sized potatoes go into making 150g of crisps which I'm not aware of

give me a >you within 5mins or i post the postop vagina

youre not wrong i am now a casual because an act of kindness weakened what i though was an iron will of hatred towards anything that isnt white

They’re too conditioned they’ll never understand. They’ll never understand we’re separate and were meant to be kept separate.

Is a Fox an asshole cause he doesn’t get along with Coyotes?
Of course not.

Is an Eagle an asshole cause he doesn’t get along with Penguins?
Of Course Not.

*huuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh* fucking.... BOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRREEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

brit is strangely british for this time is it cut the grass and lick the boots of the local army people day in america or something

Whether or not you’re trying to be funny that mentality is a genuine cancer in race-pilled circles.

it isn’t about hate. theres only one race you really outta ‘hate’ (the juice)

took out an annoying fly with the seventh of the piss bottles I have lying on and next to my bed

excitedly informed everyone on my whatsapp groups and they told me not to be waking them up at half 3 with such nonsense and to seriously get help

The 2015 Jow Forums paranoia: "Syrian Muslims are going to be fucking white German women in the streets! These women are practically spreading their legs for these invaders!"
The 2019 reality: Syrian refugees have become incels because European women won't fuck them, and they feel incredibly mogged by European men youtube.com/watch?v=EnNAVhhEfoE

I warned you

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its about loving your own race

oh no

Bastard seagulls won't shut up and this has been a waste of Friday.... pretty much just sat here in front of google bored since 8PM...

Need a cute asian gf to protect me

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jesus christ press f lads

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>who should we find to represent the british people
>oh I know, two fucking rich little snobby bastard privately educated fucking teenagers born after 2000 that look like one of those shitty robots that sing "hey hey hey", that represents the opinion of British people

aryan twang

gotta fly lads take care of course

I'm up

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was doing a bedroom clean earlier when i discovered this unused 500 mg cartridge of genuine Oregon hash oil

what did the universe mean by this lads

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>The European Union has done Ireland and Britain so much harm, morally, socially and economically
>coming from a Brit

Absolutely fucking howling

Irony is most definitely lost there.

off to work

No individual represents the British people any more

would rather see the one on the left

can we NOT start banging on about fucking brexit at this early hour please?? JCA


just a little FYI lads, mindhunter season 2 was pure unadulterated kino

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*snaps finger*

POO! yes, lets talk about poo

Could've asked someone from the streets, but then they would've gotten a nuanced answer like "ayyye, I voted fuckin' brexit, but tha' fucking government don' nae what they're fucking doing! They went abou' it all wrong!" instead of two fucking little rich bastard wide eyed grifters just leaving high school looking to start their internet politics/youtube career.

Ireland about to stage a /brit/ exit

Why do you even care

Because, I. Don't. Like. Them.

FUCK off, noncelad

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dont remind me

Usually not a fan of chubbier girls but I can't deny I do like some big thighs

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if you need a poo just visit the loo

not even 1AM but it feels lik 5AM

Sounds like one of those educational hip-hop raps you heard in the 90s from wypipo trying to be hip

Not even 10:00, but it feels like 03:00.

doing some early morning stretches in preparation for a long day of intense shitposting

now that the party is over, i hope everyone learned something new today, peppa pig is AIDS and nobody should subject their 2 year old neice to such a thing...

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Thornbury cries out for socialism

We are gamers

any /bossa nova/ man in?

what do you game?

Don't know why more people don't use the virtual desktop task viewer thing in windows lads

Have an autohotkey script to switch desktops with caps lock + z / x and it works wonders

Have one "desktop" for normal browsing, one with twitch and youtube and shit, another one for porn and a 4th for steam and games, don't even feel like I need a second monitor anymore

sounds like virginal nerd shit to me mate

Mobile games, exclusively.

In what sport does Fanny Chmelar compete for Germany?

a big gulp of room-temperate lucozade orange thats been lying next to my bed for a week+

the TRULY patrician way to start one's day

13''. It's invisible.

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consuming peyote made me realize that life is just a placebo

complained to the pharmacist and she felt bad and gave me a generic for free

maddening how there are men in this general who don't shave with a safety razor and still use those gimmick modern ones

dude hallucinogens like make you smart bro

Andrew County, Missouri cries out for public ownership of the means of production

toilberg confiscated my gameboy yesterday :(

Never had any gaming electronics, except for computer.

Thank you for posting that reaction to his post, I'm sorry that I wasn't around to do it

whats this 5.5% abv 'sparkling water' I heard zoomers/young millenials are apparently drinking all about then?