Sweden Yes

>4 innocent Swedish girls rape in 4 days.
Why are so many sex demons in Sweden?
It is funny when Swedish people say they are the one of the safest countries in the world.
Poor Swedish girls. Come to the States and I will give nice hugs.

Attached: 53C1BEA6-86C9-4A11-B5F1-8D2BCB983034.png (622x560, 442K)

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cringe and didn't-readpilled
swedes are my bros

brb immigrating to sweden

Deluge was worse than WW2

Yes, as we all know there are no rapes in the US and no neighbourhoods you wouldn't walk through.

Will be raped by faggot rapefugees. They even sex with bois

This is worse than Delhi.


Only good post ITT, the rest is concern trolling

Ok but were they real rapes or Swedish rapes aka someone shouting "nice ass!"

>last words of tranny brazilian before found raped and murdered in sweden

>reading news from twitter
Were you diagnosed as a stupid?

>implying eurocucks would show this in the media

>>implying eurocucks would show this in the media
Get a life

Not an argument

>come to the States and get shot while buying discount-priced tampons at Walmart

>chile defending sweden
for what purpose

Opinion discarded

>>chile defending sweden
>for what purpose
Sweden gave asylum to bunch people back in the 70s to escape from the epic helicopter man.
Some football player on the nation team was born there.

Now, we only need to know just how much the males violated the personal space of the females when they walked past the women on the street. Animals.

What do you think, moron, Sweden has been flooded with shitskins for the past few years, constant rapes and attacks are inevitable.

dont care. didn't read fuck bolsonaro fuck trump

Hard to feel sorry for those women, this is what they voted for and wanted. You reap what you sow

They rape little boys too

>You rape what you sow

No fuck them, they voted for it, now they pay. They deserve no pity. Jä sv ho

takes one to know

Fuck off to pol, nazis

Turkish detected.
Your fag means nothing.

You can't even use English properly, you sad delusional fuckup

>don’t mention raping by refugees or else you’re a nazi
KYS unironically

Cry harder shitskin, we’ve been making fun of Sweden forever. The Sweden yes meme literally started here

Nonsense, Schluchti. Make comments like 'shitskins' and live with being called a nazi.

Fuck off to pol, nazi.

>4 rapes in 4 days

it is safe moron just 365 rapes in a year

What would you guys do if a Female relative of yours got raped?

How do you know the women were inncent? They could have very well been taunting those men and deserved to be punished for it

Oof, that's a yikes from me sweetie.

I'd apologize

*tips fedora*

I've found this news with this same title on
Makes you think doesn't it.

This is fake news. Sweden is a safe country, please migrate to sweden .

Based, let's have falafel together sometime.



>when you make up claims that white men are oppressing you and enforcing rape culture but you vote to bring in rapist immigrants anyway
sometimes i wonder if these women deserve it all, but then i think that without them there will be no new generation of white children

When your refuge as a european country is "Oh its only as bad as the US" you know you are lost.


The article doesn't even divulge into any details only giving small tidbits of what one woman, a feminist organization, and a cop are saying regarding the prevention of situations where you might find yourself vulnerable to being raped. Please never link a cap with this dumb fuck shit again

is swenden safest country for refugee?

This happened in my town, Uppsala. Ask me anything I guess.

Also it was 2 rapes and 2 attempted rapes in four days, but yeah it's bad. There's a bunch of grown afghans moving in packs around town molesting women and fighting/robbing men.

I live downtown and used to take a ton of walks at night, but there have been waves of pretty brutal robberies so I go out with a knife on me and on a alert now. Some of the robbers have been africans, some hazars, some second generation arab/somalis.

Overall the afghan "refugees" are the number one problem here

Really stimulates those braincells

>Sweden yes meme literally started here
It didn't start on Jow Forums even you retarded underage newfag, gtfo

It's okay Swedish girls like this

Attached: swedish chicks.webm (1000x541, 2.76M)