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Lmao usa is finished

So, Thailand my good friend,... wanna build some phones?

so whats stopping companies just ignoring him?

>president of the USA trying to dictate what the rich elite can and cannot do
*lone gunman appears on a grassy knoll*

nothing, he just used a stupid set of words. he can't order private companies to pull out of china. however, you can interpret what he is saying as 'i'm going to make US firms in China unprofitable so you better gtfo'

He's threatening to use emergency powers now.

Attached: emergency act 1977.jpg (608x268, 64K)

We're already building them for Samsung and Huawei but we'll check our schedule and let ya know.

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Can't he declare martial law and forcefully remove them? That would be a nice way to end his mandate.

.government ordering firms how to do business

yeah and he could use those to seize assets and raise tariffs etc, but the sword cuts both ways. if he escalates he is just pushing the global economy and america's closer to recession.

Why has he been extra spergy lately? Is age and stress taking a toll on his mind or something?

Love it when that orange clown throws a tantrum. He's not getting his way this time and he keeps bitching and moaning to the fed to lower interest rates to absorb the consequences of his shitty policy.

>and america's closer to recession
Isn't that already going to occur within the next 12~24 months at this point anyway?

What and are USA worker going to work for pennies an hour?

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If you wanna slave labor, just bring this shit to Brazils Northeast or Central America

What stress? He golfs every weekend and shitposts on twitter. It's a dream job.

mmm, while the inverted yield curve is a reliable indicator for the last 50 years, there is no conclusive study that identifies why and how it works. but aside from that, if we agree that the inverted yield curve will push us into recession, the issue is how hard and how long will it hit us? trade frictions won't lift us out of recession and will only prolong and make it more severe and happen sooner.

>emoji movie


But Centracas, Bolivians and Northeasterner Brazilians will

Yes, that doesn't mean it couldn't be much worse thanks to his idiocy.

Are we near war yet?

What do the bottoms of nigger bitches feet smell like?

Didn't they basically say the same thing right up until the banks crashed last time? Seems familiar from a distance.

Shut up Davido

well we don't know really. we know the sub prime crisis triggered the last recession. but the environment that allowed it to be so severe could be attributed to the inverted yield. suffice to say, the relationship between the inverted yield curve and recessions is not fully understood.

>crash the economy
>lose 2020
>dems spend 4 years fixing it
>"see, dems do nothing. Ignore that they fixed another republican recession"
>republican wins in 2024
The perfect plan

I could never understand why he doesn't veil his attacks on the guise of human rights, especially with the Hong Kong shit going on. Critics can be tarnished as CCP sympathizers and if things are anything like our foreign policy, noone but a few academics will point out the hypocrisy.

tact has never been his strong suit, he just goes full retard

>crash the economy
>dems quickly end the trade war
>farmers vote blue from now on
>GOP disappears
yeah, great plan

Obama did that and they still voted red.
4D chess by the mastermind desu.

hahaha, as if anyone who votes republican is smart enough to think beyond "sticking it to the libtards" when voting

>why he doesn't veil his attacks on the guise of human rights, especially with the Hong Kong shit going on
Because anyone with half a brain knows that the only ones guilty of human rights violations are the American backed rioters and that the Hong Kong police have been insanely soft handed and reserved compared to how American police handle riots.
No one in that position of power and information really swallows the misrepresented reality presented by Pax Americana propaganda. It would only make America look worse on the global stage.

Look at pics of Obama becoming a president and when he got out, or any other for that matter, the guy looked young and he became an old man in a matter of 8 years, now put that stress into this guy, this is the result of a high level of stress

political alignment in the usa is fixed by racial and economic strata.

There was no trade war wiping out farmer's exports (and Obama got reelected in a landslide.)

>farmers vote blue

"Id rather be russian than vote democrat"

Trump broke the record for most days off taken. He must be going through a lot of work because of ISIS I think.

He managed to remove all the shackles that the Republican party put on him. He's summarily dismissed every cabinet member that was brought in to control him and now one of his biggest enemies on the right (a Koch brother) has straight-up died.

This isn't even Trump's final form, nigger.

>Trump broke the record for most days off taken
As someone who think's the system is bullshit, that's kind of respectable. Aspiration, almost.

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what a fucking retard. The US has no leverage whatsoever over China in trade. Pic related
US companies make 500 billion in China while Chinese companies make 40 Billion in the US. If you add those to import and export values they are roughly the same.

But China cannot tariff those companies because it will scare of others. This retard that you call POTUS is literally going to ban American companies from doing business in China! He does it for free!

That's why Xi is laughing this ass off

oops forgot pics

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I agree but it's kinda weird since he portrayed himself as the Average Joe and capitalist.

>Trump dabs on chinks
>Trump dabs on greedy corporations
>We all get phat bottom black gfs

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>caring about what background noise is playing so the neighbors don't file a complaint

From my experience, it's not just the big news, the amount of admin, little things that connec or interject with other little things that look trivial, but are not because they end up fucking someone somewhere and itÅ› everyday, at insane hours, and nobody is taking responsibility so it's the president, prime minister, king, or whatever that has to make the decision, it's hard work for your brain, you are 24/7 thinking in problem solving, it kills you, so if you see a head of state that acts normal or looks brand new, you know it's a puppet that just shows off for the photos (think of Trudeau for instance, and merkel in the other end)

Had to happen sooner or later. Soon Mexico will be making all of our cheap plastic knockoff junk instead and the Chinese economic bubble will take yet another step closer to popping. In all honesty, nobody here outside of some internet pseudo-intellectual economics enthusiasts gives a shit. We're perfectly capable of meeting the demand for our own manufacturing, it has just been cheaper to outsource it to sketchy sweatshops in China for the past few decades.

When Type-A personalities meet TDS

He's entirely correct though.

no you don't you stupid mutts. Your industrial output is inflated by high value items like chips. Take them away and you realize that you produce next to absolutely nothing.
And new flash, China is doing automation faster than anywhere else in the world. There is not a single chance that Mexico or even you can compete.

but he already blacklisted huawei, he could simply blacklist other companies

Some times I think he ran for publicity and he realized he is deep shit once he got elected. He's too prideful so he won't resign and he's basically force to run for the second term he doesn't want to have.

And industrial machinery. And aerospace equipment. And agricultural goods (good luck pacifying a starving population, Xi). Take off your proxy, Zhang.

Huawei managed to get out of it

>take away my chips

t. larping expat

Pls god give me global recession

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Dont you have some foreign old men cocks to suck, thaicuck?

Good luck Assange

Yeah good luck blacklisting Amazon and Microsoft

Hopefully thy will move to India so we can have some shit going too

>Lmao usa is finished
>doesn't realize France could be hit more than USA by the coming shitstorm
there's going to be a currency war among other things and USA is in a better spot than most

thjis is going to sink random countries across the globe

SEETHING trump supporters in comments

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You are all welcome for our sacrifice.

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Thank you for your sacrifice

Good news, the Chinks lose a lot more than we do and their economy is much more fragile

Thank you for your service.

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Why can't we ever win win?

based Pooh Bear

then you woke up and saw China getting record trade surpluses.
>inb4 frontloaded
when will the frontloading end? It's been nearly 2 years


Good luck Assange

I for one welcome our new German overlords

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Thank you for your service
That's a graph before Chinese sanctions. The damage is just from yours

yeah das right yankee imperialist parasite, gtfo of China and take your kike merchants with you.

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>That's a graph before Chinese sanctions.
>he thinks these will be the first sanctions from Chinese side

No, the Americans are going to tariff China and China will retaliate

I hope the retaliation will be military on US bases in worste korea and nippon.

It's time for the dragons belly to drip water.

It's time for China to grow larger.

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Next he must dissolve NATO. If yuropoors want protection they should pay for it.


What "no"? Several rounds of tariffs already happened



At that point I just blame the typical American voter for such an easily influenced retard.

Yeah but they aren't counted in that graph

>America starts a trade war with China
>Fucks over America
>Fucks over China even more
>Everyone else makes a profit because they now need to find new trade partners
>People are actually against this
The only people that should be complaining about this trade war are chinks
This is good for Americans in the long run since it reduces their reliance on China, a situation they they shouldn't be in
And even looking into the future, China, not Russia, is the most likely threat to American domination and military domination

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Habbening? Thank g-d, I need my 10 chink slaves right now!

trump is manipulating the stock market to make profit. he is probably shorting the market right now.

Daily reminder that Xi the Jinping used to live in a cave and is now the emperor of China, battling someone who has lived all of his life as a billionaire. Where do you stand in this fight between good and evil?

Attached: 800px-Mike_Pompeo_and_Xi_Jinping_(cropped2).jpg (800x1067, 80K)

their "reliance" on Chinese goods is because Chinks works for slave wages, and western corporations love slave labor. American will not work for slave labor (not yet anyways huehuehue)

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Yes good boy Trump
China is evil, go get them :^)

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He totally can, it's called an embargo and Iran is under it

>USa embargo on Iran


if anything Iranian embargo on the US will buttfuck americans even more.

All this crap is just political poker.

there are other places that will work for cheap and dont have as many thieving bastards. he never said they will move back to the US

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wtf I love China even more now.

fuck those anglos with no reach around, Chang!

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and then everyone clapped

i thought trade wars are easy to win?

They are if you don't have ADHD

>US can't compete without arbitrary, non-free bullshit
Really makes you think...

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