
pathetic how they don't fight back
me and the boys could destroy those chubby "man"lets

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that >> shouldnt be there

I can take at least 6 of those white shirt insects at once on my own easy

was is happenin here. who is kicking who's ass?

the people being beaten are literal who hongkongers on their way to work, the white shirts are mainlander chinese thugs

doesn't china understand that people can tell if a mob are funded by them? if they keep this up they will receive nothing but bad press

the scum getting btfo are leftist traitors that's all you need to know

dude, this was at night when people were coming back from protesting. at least get your facts right.

the point is that hongkong is part of china. so what if they get "bad press" - theres nothing any one can do anyway.
no foreign government will help them, hongkong people can submit or they can submit, no other choice

plenty people work during night you dumb fucking chink neet
how do ur parents feel about the family line ending? do you have a brother at least?

most of hong kong works in the morning not at night, you'd know this if you were an adult.

>>The attack happened following an anti-extradition bill protest in Sheung Wan, Hong Kong and was an act threatening the pro-democracy protesters who were returning home to Yuen Long.

how many people do you think go to work at 10pm? fucking dumbshit.

Ching chong
Ping pong
Bing bong
Ding dong
Wing wong
free hong kong

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They want people to know it's them. If it seemed random it'd look like they have no control over their country. This way people fall in line

Do you really think it makes a difference if they were going or coming? they are peaceful, helpless women and children who aren't even strong enough to fightback
No wonder you can't find a gf, you have no moral compass
>fucking dumbshit
Wash your tongue sir, I don't want to have to wash it for you

Hong Kong "protesters" beating Hong Kong civies trying to get on with their life.

honkongers try to play victim here. it was a set up to blame china

Ive thought about that
its infuritating, with chinks, you never know whos falseflagging who, or how many layers of falseflag are going on
but ultimately its pointless since Hk has no choice and no one else cares to give them one. I wish we could stop having this thing in the media because its just so pointless to think about or see

What's with all the China bootlicking on Jow Forums lately ?
I understand Europoors are butthurt of the American influence but you guys are contradicting your own western values by supporting such totalitarian shithole.

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>What's with all the China bootlicking on Jow Forums lately ?
To trigger amerifats

America could decimate china though