This decade is soon coming to end how has the 2010s treated you what major events happened in your life?

This decade is soon coming to end how has the 2010s treated you what major events happened in your life?

>both grandparents died
>i dropped out of school
>my dog died
>my cats died
>my parents kick me out
>i found out what jerking off is
>i found Jow Forums

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Looking back I always remember being happier pre-2012. Can't really pick out why, but others have agreed with me so it could be a general thing. Sort of like a "shift" happened

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you didn't answer my question

boomers feel the same way but for 2007

>started high school
>developed OCD and tourettes
>graduated high school
>started uni
>about to graduate uni this December
Hopefully the 2020s will be cool

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If the 2010s were "meh", the 2020s are going to be a complete fucking dumpster fire, mark my words, also check 'em.


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we hit rock bottom its only up from here the 2020s will be good i can feel it

If get, 2020s will be shit

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i hope so user

if get i get a ginger wife within 2 years


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if get america gets nuked

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2020 i will get my life together check em

I think the 2020s will be cool and interesting fren

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>started college
>dropped out 3 years later
>relocated to grandparents place
>mom too, got divorced
>worked construction, quit soon after having my life threatened by an ex felon
>made money anyway through domestic work
>traveled to india, stayed for a while
>came back, learned to cook, better relationship with mom
>started a new degree at nearby college
>dad started a new business, starting to work more with him since he needs the help
>some relatives died that i didn't really care about

>still virgin, attractive by other womens' remarks but almost 0 social opportunities

It's ok for me, I got a bright future to work for and that's more than most people can say for themselves these days i think

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>Genetically engineered "super" bananas
Oh no

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if get EU collapses in 2020

>i found out what jerking off is
>i found Jow Forums
Underaged newfag, begone.

started bad and is ending the same way, fuck life

Maybe my country can stop exploiting you guys for your fruit then

Oops, there goes a good chunk of your economy :^))))))))))

>finished school
>moved to Lviv
>started university
>left after two years
>found a girlfriend
>lost my virginity
>moved to Kyiv
>started another university
>broke up with girl
>tried amphetamine
>stopped being autistic
>restored relationship with gf
>found a job and acceptable appartment

>Learned English (reached b2/c1 back in 2012, went from an a2/b1 to advance level in just a couple months, the only thing I did was to spend 4 hours a day reading Jow Forums learning words through context and google translator and absorbing the grammatical patterns unconciously.
>Reached a2/b1 in MSA and Japanese, learned basic Mandarin and Russian grammar, half-assedly learned hangul.
>Graduated high school.
>Started college put no effort into it and actually started studying more seriously this month.
>Lost all friends from high school, couldn't make any in college.
>Went trough multiple existencial crisis and mental ilnesses.
>built my first pc.
>Changed my worldview, beliefs and way of thinkiking, feel like a very different person from my 2010 self.

>my father died
>graduate from uni
>first real job
>first time living alone
>first gf
>just bought a house

I miss my dad

im 20

Worst years of my life, I won't make the same mistake

>Can't really pick out why,
Because you were young.

So it's the 20's huh? Where the fuck is my cyberpunk noire?

2007 was the best year

I hope for the best user

>parents divorced
>lost virginity
>learned to drive
>started working
>Started smoking weed & drinking
>realized I was extremely depressed
>dropped out of high school
>Went to rehab

2012 is when everything went to shit for me too.

>before bush
Bush was in office 2000-2008. ur dumb

>got my first gf
>got in troubles with the law
>finished school
>broke up
>got into uni
>dropped out
>got into again
>got a shitty job
>got my second gf
>got a better job
>dropped out again this year
>broke up
>my dementia-suffering grandma finally passed away
>job became shitty
Idk, user, idk

Kudos 2 u, lad.

>lost my virginity
>started two unis at the same time and graduated both of them
>took out then paid off my student loan six years later
>got a few gfs
>got a few jobs
>got a few raises
>got jacked
>became more insecure
>became depressed
>my mom started having leg and spinal pains and now can't walk for more than a 100 meters before she has to sit down
>started riding my bike everywhere instead of taking public transport
>travelled the whole continent
>lost my direction in life