Came up with an idea for a government...

Came up with an idea for a government. It’s basically just the presidential system like in the US (it’s important in this case that it’s hard for radical reform to go through without a lot of support) except there is a constitutional monarchy that doesn’t have any power most of the time like in the Uk. However there is a dictator amendment in the constitution (Roman republic kind), where someone in the official Royal family (no unknown bastards) can be declared dictator (let’s say a 2/3 majority in the senate) for a one year period wherein the state becomes temporarily absolutist. I see it as solving the problems with republicanism and monarchism, and without the risks involved in the Roman republic for it to slip into a permanent dictatorship. With this if needed radical reform can we occur under the dictator, however in this case the dictator/king is chosen meritocratically and by the people and has as well been prepared his entire life for the possibility that this would one day occur to him. As well it’s not like he’d hate leaving the dictator position as he’d go back to living an honorable and lavish life protected by the state as a prince. It’s meritocratic in that the best within the royal family would be chosen, it wouldn’t be one guy destined for the position. This is what the Romans did to select their emperors in the Nerva-Antonine dynasty and it led to rome’s Golden age. So yes meritocratic. As far as the dictators powers, essentially the dictator can do and order anything aside from change the constitution which will be restored as the law of the land intact at the end of the year, except if in his appointment the congress has outlined specific issues within the constitution they’d like him to make radical changes to then he can affect only the areas of the constitution that they have directed for him to change.

>tl;dr republican constitutional monarchy, with a dictator amendment that can make a royal dictator for 1 year

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Think of it this way, what if during the decade or two prior to the US civil war a dictator form the recognized royal family had been chosen to solve the slavery issue instead of another compromise that neither side is happy with? Whatever that dictator decides (who would be recognized by everyone as an unbiased judicial scholar that personified the constitution) the rest of the country would have no choice but agree too. Whatever decision he came up with, everyone would have to recognize it as the path to be followed, thus the civil war is averted.


As well his legitimacy doesn’t come from god or his military might but from the constitution. As well it prevents potential sociopaths (cough Gaius cough) from rising up and gaining enough power to force himself as dictator as its limited to the royal family. A highly competent sociopath that cares nothing for the constitution he was raised to uphold might occur however I see it as having a very small likelihood to occur.

me leader

No monkeys allowed

What do we call this system? Limited monarchy?

How is this any different from a president with war powers?

Nice wall loser
I made a form of government where everyone gives me money and I stash it on a swiss bank

cool idea but instead of you it should be me

>let's give absolute power to a single person!!1
>he will surely give it back after 1 year and not abuse it

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>and without the risks involved in the Roman republic for it to slip into a permanent dictatorship

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instead of a royal family why not use a lottery system?

choose say 50 random citizens who are appointed for life to say the "dictactorial council"

these citizens receive the best of the ebst from the state, VIP security, free ride ivy league, officer training at West Point, $500k per year salary for life

then, if a dictator is needed, the parliament can choose the best of these citizens, or even several of them, like the romans sometimes had two dictators or two emporers

>I did that, what’s the big deal? I’d much rather be living a simple life free of luxury with my loving wife to cook meals and Greek boipussi to fuck.

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I can’t help but feel there would be more respect put into the decisions from someone if the royal family then of a lottery system.

the problem with a perpetual royal family is the same as with a benevolent dictator, after 2-3 generations they become worthless parasites

how do you guarantee the dictator would surrender power after one year, even with all the luxuries guaranteed to him? some people have higher ambitions than others. what if the dictator suddenly thinks one year isn't enough?

Maybe we could make this extra larpy and do both in a Spartan styled diarchy? One dictator is selected from the nobility, the other from the lottery. They can veto any action or decision the other one makes, but other then that they have the same powers I outlined.

Oh actually I like this, it’d put a system to check potential abuse of power while they’re in office.

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His power is derived from the constitution not military power. Essentially it’d be like if Obama tried to stay in power past his presidency’s terms. He’s just look like a crazy person.

personally i don't see any merit at all in having an arbitrary blood nobility but we're just jerking off here so whatever, go nuts

as far as a balance of power, a triumverate of lottery citizens would obviously be superior to 1 lottery and 1 nobility imo

Oh also I mean an actual lottery of random adult citizens. I think your idea of 50 random babies being selected for this program seems too unrealistic and larpy, and commandeering someone’s random baby seems wrong.

You’re underestimsting the legitimacy that royalty yields. A family that embodies the state seems necessary, though having a random average citizen selected from a 50 person lottery to balance him out seems like a poetic counter balance.

If this hypotetical society truly treasures meritocracy, the Monarchy would eventually be abolished during a period of non cohabitation and political turmoil because of and the constitution changed to replace it with a High Chamber of elected Senators which would then seize political power next time the country is in danger and dab on the people with the support of the President.

Augustus was a genius since he took control of Rome by taking over the roman concepts of potestas, imperium and auctoritas without denying their value. After Montesquieu I doubt such a thing could happen in the same way.

As well even if royalty will become disconnected from the common people, he all the same is probably more dedicated to the nation doing well then anyone else as his own and his family’s lives completely depend on it doing well.


then he just has to get chosen to rule for another year
do this every year and its done