I don't want a recession bros..
I don't want a recession bros
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Oh you will get your recession
We are going throught worst of time
Just wait republibros, he's gonna hurt the people hes supposed to hurt soon enough... you might feel a bit of pain, but those undesirables will be hurt too, and thats what we really need
Trump rules.
when is the finance resets?
Then stop the trade war you absolute retard
You have to. Beat the eu into submission and break them apart.
>Then stop the trade war
you want an actual war then? economic competition is far better to the former.
It is also life
Protectionism is the opposite of competition
nigga it's not the end of the world, i've been in a recession for a good bit of my life
You're not cute
Apu is cute
Well fuck you, I can't wait for the next real estate discount.
no problem at all.
How bad is living in a recession?
Nice to live in times when century of american relevancy is coming to the end and witness it.
But globalization means unfair competition. But I agree its stupid. Imo there's no point in bringing back here certain jobs.
I don't need a recession right now, I'm trying to go back to school and finish my CS degree and make lots of $$. The last thing I need is a shit economy where I can't find a job in the private sector and have to come back to my government job which I hate
why? is the thought of employing the lower classes so repulsive?
kill yourself boomerfuck
are you retarded?
We don't give a damn. Go in the north and cut trees for a living you poof
>Do slave labor for a living
This isn't France pierre, people here actually try to live a meaningful and fulfilling life. Not everything revolves around baguettes and rotten cheese around this place
It's better to give them welfare then have them working dead jobs.
we unironically need and should seek out ways to reduce the number of people with characteristics like you
by every single metric the opposite is true
>try to live a meaningful and fulfilling life
Being a code monkey provides a meaningful and fulfilling life ? I can tell you already, average wood worker is more in peace with himself than you'll ever be.
and what are those characteristics, care to elaborate?
Why this anger? He is improving his life, not anyone wants to be a depressive looser like you.
Other than yield inversion there is no real indicators for recession. Consumer is strong and corporate revenues are good. Trade war is irrelevant since USA doesn't depend on exports.
>Being a code monkey
>average wood worker
I'm not trying to be a useless code monkey nor do any type of back breaking of slave labor. Seems to me like you haven't done either.
I want everything to crash so I won't be the only depressed
Seeing people smile kills me little by little
so is the tech bubble bursting?
Define ' living a meaningful and fulfilling life' then.
if it does, only the people in industry without a CS degree will get hurt
He literally wants the world to delay all recessions so he can die before he has to suffer
People like him you'd throw off an overcrowded boat without a second thought
You are retarded
No P/E ratio is good and interest rates are low
>interest rates are low
This isn't really a good parameter. When interest rates are low it means that banks are fucking with their balance in order to survive longer. Interest rates for France and Germany are literally negative.
free of bodily pain, having no constrains when it comes down to work location, ability to freelance and work on projects that you believe are true to your calling
plus I like computers and I like the online community. Being outside, even surrounded by nature, won't matter if you're not around minded like people.
Nice argument. Now pay for my foodstamps wagie.
a recession won't hit the entire world at the same time numnuts
Finland could hit a 20 year long depression tomorrow for all I care. I've suffered enough and seen some shit to know that once shit hits the fan no one is safe, not even your whore of a mom.
You have seen nothing, you have been coddled your whole life and you deserve all thats coming
if you already have work experience it doesn't matter, but I was actually wondering about all the inane incubators that are out there and startups that fold before making it to seed stage
getting a CS degree is pointless in the U.S.
But your are already a 3rd world citizen, have no welfare, no paid holidays, no worker protection, no general healthcare etc.pp
You can even fall lower?
is club mate socialized yet?
>getting a CS degree is pointless in the U.S.
well yes it is, if you stay a useless codes for the rest of your life. Even a SE monkey or a poo could do your job for a fraction of your wage
I've been living on my own since I was 15, go eat a dick
>free of bodily pain, having no constrains when it comes down to work location, ability to freelance and work on projects that you believe are true to your calling
We were talking about a meaningful life, not meaningful work. You assume that work = life, this is a mistake. Work is a part of life. I know this is far from your initial point and you have it the pragmatic way, but let's be honest anyway, if you think that the money harvesting activity is what leads to fulfillement then I will tell you : your POV is far from being universal. Even billionaires, who enjoy their activity, have outside of the bubble activities and don't want to hear of job. Now I understand that you don't want to break your back during your job and in the west it's up to you. You can avoid health issues even in hard jobs like construction and wood work, there are methods to hold heavy objects you know.
>plus I like computers and I like the online community. Being outside, even surrounded by nature, won't matter if you're not around minded like people.
Okay, but don't assume that outside workers aren't living a fulfilled life, it's a mistake.
the whole time I was talking about myself, some people live meaningful fulfilling live flipping burgers and I'm not here to bash them. I see work as play, If I'm able to work and play at the same time then I'm golden.
>the whole time I was talking about myself,
>This isn't France pierre, people here actually try to live a meaningful and fulfilling life
People aren't you, dude.
>people live meaningful fulfilling live flipping burgers
I highly doubt it.
> and I'm not here to bash them. I see work as play, If I'm able to work and play at the same time then I'm golden
Ok I understand but as the finn said these jobs usually went for the worst. People now doing office jobs are disconnected from the realities, selfish, etc.
hmmmmm didn't think of that let me go to downtown america and flip the big switch that says "end the trade war" hahahahaha who would've thought hahaha
see CS is not just an office job anymore. We're talking about different things, Pierre.
Office job meant as 'tertiary/secondary sector of the economy'. City dwelling job, lot of coffe and fart smelling think-tanks.
You should be a comedian bro. Not even trying to be a smug pick I think you got what it takes
get help
My barber told me recession is coming. He wasn't talking about the economy.
As if his joke wasn't funnier than most shit that passes for comedy nowadays.
very xD response
hit the gym by that i mean do roids
My pubic hair went into recession recently.