I rolled a random country online and got Georgia. Geogrian cuisine is just splendid...

I rolled a random country online and got Georgia. Geogrian cuisine is just splendid. Today I am going to try to bake hachapuri and cook lobio. I am not going to follow the lobio recipe I found online, but will show you the "ghetto" lobio that I know how to cook. It's one of my favorite dishes.

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I've missed your threads bro

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glad to see you again dude

good thing I came early

Amazing story

While pork is out of the freezer defreezing, let's prepare the filling for the hachapuri. We need a lot of cheese here (~700g). The one on the right is suluguni, a salty Georgian cheese. The one on the left is a simple Russian cheese. You're supposed to use another kind of cheese instead of it, but I couldn't find it.

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This is the kinda thing Jow Forums should be about.

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You speak Georgian bro? Or you speak Russian everywhere


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Now grate the cheese. Suluguni is soft, so it's hard to grate. Also, it's not salty, I mistook it for some other cheese.
No, I don't speak Georgian.

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Comy thread, tuning in again

Thats a lot of cheese

>Suluguni is soft, so it's hard to grate
I find putting soft cheeses in the fridge ahead of time allows it to firm up making it easier to grate, also works with butter

Now break an egg in there, 30g of butter, and mix it well. It seems insignificant in this amount of cheese, I don't see any difference.
Thanks. Will do that next time.
"Hachapuri" is almost synonymous with cheese pie in the household speech. We have hachapuri as street food, but it's usually not authentic. It's great in Georgian restaurants though.

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god I wish I had this much cheese on me
any dish that uses this much cheese HAS to be good

Is this what hachapuri looks like? Looks so good

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He's not Georgian. He rolls random countries and makes dishes from those countries.

don't really know anything about Georgian cuisine but as a lactose intolerant this dish could potentially wreck me inside so I'll just watch :3

Oh shit I thought he actualy went to the countries to make food

it taste even better than it looks

I admit it, I just bought the dough in a store, I felt too lazy to make one myself and wait for it to rise. I bought 1kg and I think it should be enough. Divide it into 5 pieces.
Yes, that's how it's supposed to look. It tastes even better than it looks.

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Damn now I gotta find a Georgian restraunt

It's been a long time bro

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Kek imagine

Now roll them into ovals 5mm thick. Take a toothpick and make holes along the perimeter.

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The recipe says to put 150g of the filling in each one of them. Something feels off, because I have a lot left. In any case, I can just make mac and cheese later.

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Now connect the sides and pinch the stitch. I cannot fit all five of them on the tray.

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its looking good :3

Now make cuts in the middle, about 4cm long snd try to roll the edges inward. Then do the toothpick thing again to let the air out. Preheat the oven. The recipe says "to the maximum degree", but it feels off. I'll do 200°C.

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Based. It looks good, I save the recipe for later. Spasiba moï brat

And in the oven they go. The recipe says 15 minutes, but I am not sure about that. I think my dough is too thick.

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looks good

looks like a bussy xd

Arent you suppose to oil the tray? That might stick like mad

I think it looks more like old shoes.
The recipe doesn't say anything. The picture shows baking paper, but I just put some flour on the tray. Hoping for the best.

15 minutes have passed. They don't seem ready. The overflowing cheese is worrying. I will try to pull apart the middle a little and put them back for 5-10 more minutes.

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are you suppose to use an egg wash on the dough? they may be done (unless the texture feels doughy still)

A disaster happened. You are supposed to take them out and break an egg on each opening. The first egg just slipped off and fell into the tray, beginning to turn into an omelette. I had to spoon it out to put it back in. The second yolk broke apart. The third went better. I had to take them all out and clean the tray, now they are back in the oven. I'll make the cuts on the other two bigger.

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it is what it is

OP I may have found a problem
see this post you put the cheese mixture in the center, I think you may have needed to make the dough thinner and put the cheese around the edge and then roll the dough around the cheese, leaving an empty pocket in the center.

here is a video for reference:
time stamp at 4:12


The shape was little bit weird. It should look something like this.

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Come on now, I can already see this is not cheese, but a cheese product
A kilo of actual cheese just can't cost 465 rub

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Here's the end result. I will say that it's "close enough" for my first attempt. Will eat one while the second batch is in the oven.
That might be the reason, but it's too late to correct. Thanks anyway.
Yes, I know. I just failed to make that shape.

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Good enough to eat.

Don't be an idiot.

i would devour that right now

It baked through well. Tastes great, and I am already feeling full. To be fair, cheese makes everything great.

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to be fair it still looks pretty good
let us know how it turned out flavourwise

Beats the crappy Dominos Pizza bread

The second batch is looking better. Back to the oven.

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It looks like sweet cream to me for some reason.

The second batch is out. Looking better still. I will clean up, rest for a few minutes, then start cooking lobio.
Consensed milk? It kind of does.

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it's basically a cheese donut

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who's going to eat all that stuff?
tb h that's way too much cheese

I'll eat it over time. Or invite friends. Or bring them to my family to eat.

my pic was a cream donut
but there's never too much cheese


All right, the tray doesn't want to be cleaned by me, as it's resisting as hard as it can. So I'll leave it be for a while. Now, let's cook lobio. My recipe is nowhere near authentic. I'm actually just copying what my mother did. I don't even know the proportions, I just do what feels right. We will need pork, onion, garlic, carrot, and two cans of red beans in tomato sauce.

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>the tray doesn't want to be cleaned by me
Try pouring hot water on it and letting it soak for a while. Make sure you use baking paper next time

Mince the meat and the carrot. You should mince the carrot more fine than I did, because it takes a while to make it soft. I guess I'll lower the heat and simmer it for a longer time.
That's what I did. It's soaking right now.

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>Actually good content on Jow Forums

hachapuri tastes good but eating one gives you 2 kilo
i thought it was like a cheese pizza but instead of tomato you have butter

After it has simmered for some time, add onion and garlic. You can add pepper and salt too.

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I've been to a Georgian resteraunt a few weeks ago. Tried shashlik and hinkali. Heard hinkali were suppose to be better than Manti but was disappointed.

The beans are white, not red! I think I was looking at the wrong price tag when shopping. I should pay more attention to what I'm buying, not to low numbers on the tags.
I'm not a big fan of hinkali either. We had a work outing yesterday, and we made shashlik. Was great.

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Now pour the beans in, lower the heat, bring it to a boil, snd cook until the carrot pieces are soft. The thing looks wrong with white beans.

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It's ready. It tastes good, but looks wrong. I usually add some parsley too.
Thanks for staying with me today! I had fun and I hope that I entertained you as well.

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looks yummy as
are you going to dip the hachapuri in?

thank you user :)

I don't think it works as a dip. Better to eat them separately.

I always dip bread in the juices at the bottom of the salad bowl, and bread is usually served with soup
bread dipped in any (savoury) liquid is great desu

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To be honest, the leftover sauce from the lobio could work as a dip like that. Should be good.

looks very fucking good
Especially the bread itself is very well done.

bagina :DDDDDDD

Hope you enjoyed!

>I'll do 200°C.
200C is not enough to cook the dough properly

I just roll random countries online and go to a fancy restaurant. Last time was afghan cuisine


good shit user, didn't know you could get sulguni in Russia

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You can buy soft Georgian cheese in every supermarket here.

what do those arms represent?

is it related to pide?

based comfy thread

Mountain people were cutting and collecting right hands of dead enemies