Your cunt

Your cunt
Your favorite non earth celestial body

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I like Saturn because it has nice rings and a cool name.
Marsfags gtfo


The Earth is flat, retard. There is no such thing as a celestial body.

The one that's not a shithole

Explain lunar eclipses and the four seasons


My coworker is unironically a flat earther and I hate him

>decide to listen to my friend and get enough free time to go ask my coworker where he learned where the earth is flat
>Get to the front and he's in a heated conversation with a customer
>theyre talking about the flat earth
>Begin to walk away because I don't want to get Involved
>Hear my coworker tell the guy "He (me) believes in the globe"


Flat Earthers have been shilled by the CIA into being retards

You can prove it with a very long rope and some sticks. If you draw a triangle big enough angles won't sum to 180° because you draw on a sphere. Or take a plane and do a world tour kek

For me it's Kepler 22b

It's pronounced "ura-nus", you dumb chimp.

Saturn is a shithole made of gas and rings are for gays. At least you can land on Mars. Honestly most of the solar system is a delusion. We could have had planets similar to earth instead we have shitty gas planets like Saturn or Jupiter

imagine if there was an earth 2 with similar composition and life, in the same orbit just behind the sun

VY Canis Majoris

Probably there are places like that but nooo we had to be born in the lamest part of the universe

Probably Ceres, because of its creepy white crater.

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It's yuge and has a cool name

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the 9th planet

Planet X

this is where the vespane gas is.

more vespane gas

>lamest part of the universe
That's the reason we exist in the first place you cheese eating retard.

For me, it's planemos.

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Is that the new version of Space Engine?


Rho cassiopeia, furthest star that can be seen from naked eye in the northern hemisphere

nice cope there are better planets than Earth and better solar systems than this.

>1 chance in life

>born in the s*lar system.

Oh yes

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>there are better planets than Earth
Wait you are telling me that there are better planets in this universe (which has billions upon billions upon billions upon billions of planets)? Colour me surprised

Then stop shilling for Earth kek. Not my fault if we were born in this shitty solar system with only 1 (one) decent planet

your mom

For me was this

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None becase I will never visit any of them so what's the point? Jupiter looks pretty cool tho

>Your favorite non earth celestial body
cool rings and hexagon.


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