Did you know that white men are sexually abused in asia?

Did you know that white men are sexually abused in asia?

Attached: Rabid_Insect.webm (854x480, 1.01M)

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Attached: 1557243447289.webm (640x640, 1.11M)

this girl is raped after this

I beg you, please breed our women

Attached: 1557147585968.webm (950x534, 2.88M)

Why is there an american soldier in uniform in the middle of the street in korea?

korea is another guam

Spread your seed here

Attached: 1527697094702.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

what is this wh*toid cope?
they're obviously more attracted to the BLACK BVLL.

wtf is this shit lol


online english lesson

Time to call some Koreans


mexicans are asians aswell

Not in korea, your wimminz come here.

that's enough grappa

They go on shore to keep their own sailors in check, I've seen it in Singapore.

Does this shit actually happen or is it just what wierdo white guys like to tell themselves? I looked up the marrige rates between western men and korean women and they weren't that impressive, there were more than korean men western women but still. I also looked up the marrige rates in general and they were bad as fuck.

I have seen this webm like 10 times on this board can anybody tell me where it's from?

You Asian men disgust me. Spend less time fapping to tentacle rape porn and leave your house.

t.lives with mamma and eat lasagne everyday

Unlike Korea and Japan we are not an Incel country.

its a clip from Jakenbakelive's twitch livestream.

>Does this shit actually happen or is it just what wierdo white guys like to tell themselves? I looked up the marrige rates between western men and korean women and they weren't that impressive, there were more than korean men western women but still. I also looked up the marrige rates in general and they were bad as fuck.

Attached: fbfcbb70be275310cfcfdb97c4509ea1.jpg (280x280, 11K)

I was just asking a question calm down, also I'm as white as it gets and have nothing against wmaf relationships.

>I looked up the marrige rates between western men and korean women and they weren't that impressive, there were more than korean men western women but still.
But you're wrong (the Chinese in both are probably Koreans from China).

Attached: 6002.png (624x457, 41K)

What’s Eurovision got to do with this?

>your wimminz come here.
Finland needs to stay pure. We on the other hand are a different story. Miscegenation will only fix our country for the better.

Stop objectifying us pls

FYI. most of the Americans and Canadians are Korean as well. Loads of Korean celebrities have married Korean men from those countries.

Attached: 1_49530.jpg (1000x693, 131K)

>r/asianmasculinity user cating about facts
Nice try bro, but you're wasting your time.

Probably true. But I was trying to dispel that "there were more than korean men western women". I didn't intend to claim that Korean women are marrying western men en masse. There seems to be barely any marriages between Korean men and Western women.

I have a hapa kid, more coming too.

>why, yes. I want westerners to give birth to our women. what gave it away?

Attached: 1535500128484.jpg (600x814, 63K)

based and hapapilled


holy based finland


Attached: zInEUWko.jpg (1024x1024, 140K)


you impregnated a white woman? based

Attached: iizt3qd2ek831.jpg (1080x1070, 63K)

>giving the pig middle fingers
based as fuck

t. mommy's lil' boi

Attached: web3-italy-grandmothers-babies-migrants-refugees-viral-facebook-sei-di-campoli-se.jpg (620x310, 74K)