How realistic were these Belgian WWI claims?

How realistic were these Belgian WWI claims?

Attached: grande-Belgique02.jpg (1100x795, 297K)

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Attached: F3E7CAF8-740E-4923-AFA4-90AA148E3D91.jpg (636x631, 34K)

Hos many belgians do you need for the replacement of a lightbulb ?
One who holds the lightbulb on place, the other rotating the chair

Attached: Da7v0_BW4AAQG2C.jpg (1600x900, 163K)

very reasonable
also should have included Trier/Trèves though

How does that make sense if Netherlands wasn't even in the war?

They claimed we helped Germany by being neutral.

But to enforce such a treaty they would have needed to invade you first.

It's not a map of claims. It a map of what Belgium lost during its revolution. Limbourg and Luxembourg were given back to the Netherlands

There were Dutch war plans to attack Belgium in the event that they would attempt to seize Dutch territory.