What's the 2019 axis of evil?

What's the 2019 axis of evil?

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Israel & Friends

Russia, Turkey, Írán, Saudi and China

New York, Austin and Los Angeles

Russia, China, and Venezuela

It's up to america and israel to decide

Denmark (incl. Greenland)

Everyone except Britain.

America, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

This. It needs white knights americans liberation ASAP

usa, uk

china iran russia (houthis yemen, Hezbollah, venezuela and other puppet states)


usa israel saudi arabia etc.


Does Israel even have friends?


Even Portugal?

Israel & Slaves

USA, Israel and Saudi-Arabia


Denmark - Greenland - Antarctica

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& soon GB also Brazil

Yeah, current lapdogs include the US and Saudi Arabia.

>saudi arabia


Actually quite spot on.
There's also a "morally grey" area for UK/Italy/Russia/Brazil".

Elaborate ??

The Principality of Sealand, Costa Rica, and Poland.



Monaco, San Marino and Vatican

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israel has done nothing wrong

saudi arabia gets a bad reputation for not doing much really

*Germany has done nothing wrong

100% correct.

germany has never done anything right

before 1945*

>for not doing much really
>what is wahabism
>who they founded
>who founds them
>what have they done to yemenites

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Except maybe for the whole wahhabism and bombing Yemen thing.

Let's not forget they fund the worst version of Islam everywhere they can which as a result undermines strongly the social fabric of more tolerant societies with a significant muslim minority like ours.

NATO basically


They fucked up a bit here and there, but they wouldn't even make the top 10 of 21st century villains right now.

>Axis of Evil
America/Israel and Slaves
Chinks and Slaves
>Holy Alliance
Russia and Serbia

Sounds realistic.



gtfo CNN watching boomer

Semi based

Cuba, Venezuela, Uruguay

t. AIDS elemental

Russia, Israel, Iran, Turkey, Saudi, China, USA.
But above all...


I wish we had an evil looking flag. What's the point if being evil if you pretend to be peaceful and shit? Please someone make an evil flag for us.

China and their slaves
Usa and their slaves

>implying Star of David is not literally stamp of Devil

You have a literal satanic pentagram on your flag, the only flag more evil-looking than yours is that of Morocco bro.

Still doesn't look evil. Help us Ivan.


pic related

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>Has the symbol of their ideology in their flag

Hmmmmm I wonder which nations have done this before.


your flag should be a malabi )))

He meant the demonic hexagonal star seal of solomon, but yes, the frog is an idiot.

Why Russia?
Russia is our friend.
Substitute it for Israel.


probably the best one yet

Literally just copied the post above it


Russia is just another global power hawking on european interests, like the other 2
you're an idiot if you think they're anyone's friend

I wish we were more evil. Instead we let African rapefugees come here in droves, let Arabs who literally want to destroy the country be part of the government, let literal child murdering Muslims get a degree from our universities while in prison, and give Arabs tge freedom to murder us so we don't look like le evil oppressors (even though people view us like that anyway). Pretending to be good is so tiresome.

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United States

in other words:
City of London
Washington D.C.
The Vatican

Jerusalem and Brussels bonus, but secondary importance

We also fund gay hippie new age bands who make shitty music to go perform abroad so they can be our 'cultural ambassadors'. We try so hard to look nice and peaceful thinking that it's gonna change how people think about us, so fucking pathetic. This shithole can't even be evil right.


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you guys are puppets and scapegoats, useful idiots, scum who can't even keep their leftist daughters from condemning them in favor of the palestinians, lel

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>Still doesn't look evil.
Change the white to black and the blue to red or gold
Boom, ebil floog

no. actually, Iran is virtually on their own. ***maybe*** Syria ally.

but definitely not Russia. faux conflict, they control both sides---but not Iran---yet. no Rohschild bank there.

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Indeed. I wish we were evil though. By today's standards to be good is to be a cuck. So we have the double misfortune if both being cucked and being memed as evil at the same time.

a little too redpilled there

that's a bingo.jpg

Some of you are legit satanists, blood on the matzo types
Others are simply spit-on-Christ kind of Joos.
And then there's the tiny sliver of your population who probably just doesn't hate the goyim but will lie about what's in the Talmud and call people anti-semites.
There's a spectrum of evil.

What did Brazil do?

Noth korean
South Korean

This is axis of 2919

You don't know shit retard. We're full of cucks who will do anything for a pat on the head from Europeans. Gay fucking shithole.


Found the 3rd type.

t.Anglo expat / filthy Murrimutt soldier / American lapdog


Japanese government are really evil

>We're full of cucks who will do anything for a pat on the head from Europeans.
tell me


Germany, Sweden, United Kingdom.

you guys are retards

No they are not
Stop larping as Japanese

Media and the US.

Get out your proxy, tardass.

>Get out your proxy, tardass.

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do you know Fukushima?
Japanese government are really evil

Get off your proxy
Japanese are PURE angels who can do no wrong

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