Which cunt has the best aesthetic?

which cunt has the best aesthetic?

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>some of that is temple...


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doesn't matter its about the overall visual appeal

Japanese castle is this entirely all of the part.
Do not missunderstanding it.

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Shut the fuck up Davido kun


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Japan seems like the only one without architects obssessed with dicks

I like this Portuguese castle.

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comfy :3

Be nice to qt jap posters

>built in 2010
>it's just empty rooms and gardens



yeah never come here
got it?

too late insect kun

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so leave asap and never come again

Totally not newly painted

For me it's Thailand

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From this selection, definitely Germany.

Upper-left doesn't look like that rn though.
Its all under never-ending construction because its falling apart like the rest of this shithole.
In fact, the platform from which that pic was taken was closed, the last time I went there this year.

Also that aesthetic was copied from China

We're all just pretending that Russian cathedral doesn't look fucking atrocious... right?

I think it looks cool

>tfw no surviving mexican aesthetic
sad desu

Attached: tajin_plaza_central.jpg (1200x675, 287K)

Not to mention that Schloss Neuschwanstein is a heavily romanticised late 19th century imitation of a medieval castle and nothing but a tourist trap. Pic related is Burg Eltz, build in the 1200s.

Attached: burg-eltz-shutterstock_154829543.jpg (1920x1265, 1.35M)

You have the pyramids

>aesthetic islands
>aesthetic flag
>aesthetic castles
>aesthetic houses
>aesthetic landscape
It's not the best in each category, but the combination of it makes it the most aesthetic country.

Attached: great-britain-image305.jpg (732x1024, 78K)

that's probably world's most beautiful castle.

I like that mediterranean maritime Croatia\Italy\Greece style. Also Spain

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Where is bottom left from?

The entire region along the Rhine and Moselle is full of authentic old castles and very beautiful in general.

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this little one is my favorite

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cute :3

well deserved double trips
Burg Eltz *sips* yep, now this was a castle

Attached: burg eltz.jpg (1620x1080, 363K)

that's not America
THIS is America

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Italy and Spain

Rheinland-Pfalz is so fucking comfy, I can't take it anymore. I'll have to move over there eventually. Even the southern parts of Nordrhein-Westfalen where I live look like shit compared to RLP.

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I don't understand.

ah yes, himmelsdorf

you have seen the light, good

good luck on living in the best part of Germany

Looks like shit, also learn how to speak english.


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yeah but ruins can't compare, it's like seeing pic related without color

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limestone Gothic

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This is nice, but unfortunately too heavy for our swampy soil.

This aesthetic was cool until everybody had to copy it.
Nowadays can you go to shitholes like Indonesia and see this.

That's what it originally looks like. It's from the Victorian era

I think it's also one of the core regions of the German kingdom. What do you think about Aachen and Köln?

Attached: Aachener-Dom.jpg (1024x1001, 198K)

Attached: Alcázar-de-Segovia.jpg (1280x853, 256K)

only has the dom the rest is shit

not him


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From that selection definitely Russia. It's so colorful and looks like it's edible