Do you like russians?

i don't. they're subhuman genociders that killed millions of eastern european, caucasian and central asian peoples and raped millions of german women.

i hate them.

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We are the most attractive ethnicity in Europe though


>Do you like russians? moderate amounts.
As long as we don't talk politics.
>genociders that killed millions of eastern european, caucasian and central asian peoples and raped millions of german women
Not many of them still alive doh!

Stay mad faggit

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>killed millions of eastern european
To save billions

But their kids and grandkids are proud of the genocide and rape. That's the issue.

Only your women

They’re like Americans without the hardcore decadence of the middle class. I frankly wish I could care less about them but sadly their elites and political class tries their hardest to squeeze as much money by fucking over everybody else out of this world as possible, hence why you can’t ignore them

>But their kids and grandkids are proud of the genocide and rape
big brain post

Russian men are incredibly hot. Much better than Russian women.

That guy looks more Tatar than Russian.

you saved nothing. you spread death, misery, plagues, genocides, diseases, ethnic cleansings and rapes on every soil you stepped upon.

i hate you.

Also they are the biggest liers on this earth. Lying is in their DNA. Also the most corrupt shithole that exists on this earth. Even most of the Nigger countries in Africa are not that corrupt. I really hope that shithole will collapse further on my lifetime.

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i do. they're superhuman genociders that killed millions of eastern european, caucasian and central asian peoples and raped millions of german women.

i love them.

>killing eastern e*ropeans
>killing germs
We've done the world a massive favor

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I only know about Latvian/Russians.
Their kids care less about politics than ours.
The problem is with ~30% of Latvian/Russians who are unemployed or work in jobs that do not involve them knowing Latvian language (imagine jobs you could get that do not involve documents or talking to people). They are the biggest cancer on the planet and they are the ones that cause problems in our relations.

Funny how Russian millionaires (we have them in Jūrmala) always are happy and like Latvia!

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Stfu chink

I love Russians
I live in Nice and we have a big Russian diaspora, at first I was like you guys, I hated them they are so unpolite, rude, brutal, agressive, violent etc
But then I befriended some of them and learned that behind the carapace made of steel, hides a kind soul

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based user

Russia is the center of cosmic Good, the center of Conscience, Beauty, Justice. Russia is a field of struggle between Truth and Falsehood, Good and Evil. Russian people are the purest part of humanity. Therefore, all the Evil of the world falls upon them. Today, we Russians are alone in the world. Even the Slav brothers betrayed us, especially the Poles and Czechs. Everyone except the Serbs. Our historical duty is to prove that we have not abandoned them.

When the Russians will regain their kingdom and expel and destroy all their enemies, when - the laws of the state will be the laws of Truth and Justice, and not of Falsehood and Evil, as they are now, when the state will be organized for the benefit of the people and the Fatherland, and not for the sake of thieves and perverts, then we will obey the laws out of conscience, not coercion. Then the Kingdom of Holy Russia will come to our Holy Land.

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I mean to be fair we also killed 25 million of them and raped an equal amount of their women too.

have sex

I thought Nice was mostly just where wealthy Englishmen go for a weekend getaway

Both men and women. Russian men are more attractive than fr*nch pencilnecked swarthy cucks

Millionares almost everywhere are happy

Nice is so Russian that we even got ourself a chechen diaspora

Proxy fag

Your men do look like something out of a Chernobyl postcard and your women are grad a roasties holy fuck. The school whore was always a russian

>have sex

We are the warriors of Light, Good and Justice, waging war against the cosmic forces of Evil, Lies, Parasitism. We came to this world thanks to our parents, all our ancestors, and we will leave it, leaving our highest creativity in it - our children, in whom we will put our heredity, our soul, our works. Let's pass, as the baton, the consciousness of our highest destiny: WE ARE RUSSIAN AND GOD IS WITH US! Our descendants will go further, increase our deeds, our creativity, deepening our Spirit and Knowledge, cleansing our hearts, penetrating deeper into the realm of the Spirit, realizing our mergence with God, the foundation of all Being. Our descendants, like our ancestors, will be the guardians and directors of the universe.

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>GERMAN(!!!) male
>talks about ugly men and women
Fucking kek
You're literally the ugliest ethnicity in Europe, both men and women

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South of France is full of wealthy Russians too.

Based and Napoleonpilled.

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Antibes is a well known city for being home of many russian oligarchs and white refugees
but we never interact with them, i only talked to casual poor immigrants
for uknown reasons most of them came from Rostov

French and especially German men are gorgeous

t. knower

Why are you subhuman seething so hard over the truth? Everyone knows that Russian Roasties may look good but are literal trash in everything else. They come to western europe just so they can marry a retard which then gives them the citizenship. Sometimes they also get killed which is utterly based and may I even dare to say redpilled.

Only their women are ok(although, German women are horribly disfigured. The only cute ones live in Eastern Germany where Russians raped hundreds of thousands of germanoid whores, thus improving their weak blood), men are ugly and feminine (not even in a good way)


Normandie-Niemenpilled is a more appropriate term

Russian men are fucking sexy.

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I am merely stating the truth. It's a fact that your "women" are whores. Keep coping you little shiteating subhuman but this won't change anything

This is the real life gigachad, you may not like it, but this is what peak masculinity looks like

oooo либepaхy пopвaлo

>your women are whores
Your women are literally marrying Turks, Arabs, Blacks and Asians WITHIN your fucking country AND they're getting raped and massacred by them and they do nothing to stop it or to speak out against it because they enjoy it.
German men are so weak and ugly that arabs are literally groping your women every Christmas on the main square of your country.
Your nation is dying out because of your women mixing with Turks and other migrants and german men being ugly as fuck and not being able to do ANYTHING about it

Cope. Harder. Hanz. :3

based Pizzabro