Are boomers in your country bunch of entitled cunts?

Are boomers in your country bunch of entitled cunts?

>everything they buy has a discount
>can watch cinemas for free
>doesn't have to fall in line, there are queues designated for PWD and seniors
>eats up a huge portion of our taxes to spoil them, pensions included
>basically lives on the blood and sweat of younger generations
>acts like bunch of spoiled brats and demands more freebies and discounts

I hate them so much.

Attached: pests.jpg (679x452, 25K)

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they are annoying, I work with several of them. they try to politicize everything and have no sense of humor.

I punch a boomer in the face every time I go out

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>Are boomers in your country bunch of entitled cunts?
Entitled would be a massive understatement, desu. People like to say that the unemployed are welfare leeches when in reality the loudest voices in calling younger people leeches are the biggest parasites in this country.

Attached: parasites.png (727x553, 28K)

They spent their lives paying in though

Eventually you'll become a boomer too and you will reap the same benefits.

>Become a boomer

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That's not how the system is supposed to work.
Also: at least 5% of them at in the $400+ private income category. That means they earn more in income than someone on the dole with full rent support gets, before being given a full tax funded pension payment every fortnight.
They are also the largest of the property owner class and responsible for the current fucked housing market.
They are scum.

Not at all, boomers here live miserable lives and barely make ends meet with their $300/month pensions and small apartments in derelict commieblocks. Those discounts they get can't make up for their suffering.

>and responsible for the current fucked housing market.

i thought it was Chinese

>can watch cinemas for free

Do you think it's fair that they not be entitled to collect on a system that they have paid into?

The Chinese have nothing to do with our fucked housing market. They're merely an easy political distraction for dumb racists. In reality, those who control our rental properties and housing are boomers who bought up a shitload of properties when they were dirt cheap, with a lot of the new housing stock controlled by rich developers, many of which are owned by rich Australian boomers and Gen X cunts.

They fucked themselves because they didn't bother to change the pension system and the country isn't rich enough to absorb the costs

Why do you even need houses in straya? Buy plot of land and build one of those silly modular houses or a trailer or something like that. Goddamn you have so much space.

That's not how taxes fucking work.

>Buy plot of land
Land near anywhere to be able to work is very, very expensive.
>Goddamn you have so much space.
Buying land in the middle of nowhere might work if you have huge amount of capital to build infrastructure and generate a source of income. Things not really available to the common man.

>who bought up a shitload of properties when they were dirt cheap

And why are they so much more expensive now? Because Chinese immigrants buy them.

NZ banned purchasing homes by Chinese immigrants and suddenly their house prices returned to acceptable levels

>Land near anywhere to be able to work is very, very expensive.

That makes no sense tho, unless theres really a chinkvasion going on. Supply and demand.

You have flat, easily traversable land, move far enough and the plot should have an acceptable price

Extremely so.
This video bests describes what it's like to interact with boomers.