It took me 3 HOURS to make this

I made a map of all the races in the world

All the same families are encircled

Attached: 1566544980846.jpg (1280x752, 402K)

homo sapiens are so ugly compared to tigers or lions

I have never seen an abo who was THAT dark. Fix your shit map

Attached: .png (544x408, 405K)

It already took you 3 hours to make this when there were far less types on the map and no circles.
Did you get so good at this that you did the last 30% instantly?

I'm hohol

Attached: BctgP4TkS50.jpg (242x242, 18K)

>3 hours

You've seen an abo? Tell us more, what was he like?

No, these are true abbos
They are dark

Attached: 13aborig.600.1.jpg (600x280, 68K)


I will do america next

three hours to copy paste pictures ontoa map?

Gordon plz..

Finland is fucking NORDID not Lappoid
Put the Iceland guy in Finland, right fucking now!

It was a long process that required me to study the country's history and demographics

No it's not, finnish are considered yellow people

you sir are a liar and a deceit
who is paying you to do this? Soros?

Attached: 1566474636125.png (2048x647, 2.8M)

outdated garbage retardo

I don't know why you are so mad, it's okay to not be white
Be content with what you are

>lemme tell you what you are...
Amerimutt tier, sad!

Why are you arguig with facts ?
You speak an uralo-altaic language, you are closer to mongolians and eskimos than anything else

>facts ?
you dont know the first one retardo
>You speak an uralo-altaic language
no such thing retardo

Whatever you say zhang

Attached: main-qimg-d757c0cb6c869271d8e8b2843514d32b.png (602x338, 270K)

Here's another Finnish man with a epicanthic fold which can only ever appear in East Asian populations and not in PURE NORDIC ARYANS because this is definitely how genetics work. Oh wait...

Attached: Jens_Byggmark.jpg (1650x2200, 400K)

All you do is confirm what I have been saying
