
Durian Pizza edition

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Durian candy tastes better.

So I'm guessing dick cheese pizza is not far behind

Just copying the superior Pizza Company as usual

Jackfruit > Durian

Tell us about Vietnamese pizza restaurants

There's no such thing as free lunch. Somehow things are paid, not even in cash, but with social, political, and economic capacities. We were sold the minute that Duterte agreed to shelf our Hague victory and now that he's saying that he will invoke the ruling in his China trip, we're afraid it's already been too late.

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Pizza Company is Thai
You don't have it there?

Lol only 27 billion for some incredibly wealthy potential sea zone???
Literally chump change when that region is worth hundreds of billions if not trillions

This fruit is so disgusting, you have to be fucked up in the head to enjoy it.
Frankly we should put in prison preemptively the people that eat that fruit, I bet half of them are serial killers.

Nope, but we do have a local pizza company called Greenwich.

Don't respond to him, he's a robot that's unable to read social cues or do anything than do his usual banter. He doesn't even like talking to anons about actual /asean/-related topics, instead he spends his days talking to himself.

durian is fine

Duterte is a Beijing sponsored puppet.

Hi Semarang. Apakah kamu budak kapitalis? Antek korporat monopolistik? Anggota serikat buruh? Perakit nuklir Soviet? Wota garis lunak? Pemegang rank Super Ace di PUBG? Ikuti kelas bersama Aurelia Vizal, besok di Univ Dian Nuswantoro Semarang.

Jangan telat.

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Mango > Jackfruit > Durian

Are people really calling the guests "literal whos"? Some of the biggest names in anison are coming, they can't be "literal who".

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All of those are literal whos

(lol Macross Delta was an awful shitshow and is old as fuck

>Universitas Dianu

Arr rook same

>Universitas di Anus

Rest of the money is deposited to duts off shore accounts in china.

I miss eating Pizza Hut, haven't eaten there in over a year.

They're pretty famous in Japan though, and sell pretty well.

>Pizza Company
Disgusting food. Only cheese and tomato sauce can be on pizza

At least it's not pineapple on pizza.

What are your goto karaoke songs?

Link related



I want to find love in Kalimantan!

I am going to take a 45 minutes shower


So, asean countries aren't as poor as african countries. Not as war prone as the middle east. Not as violence ridden as the south american countries. Not as liberal as america. Not as restrictive as europe. Are we literally a region not on in the middle of the world but also in everything else?

> Not as restrictive as europe

Sorry, I meant not as restrictive as asia. Also, not as dirty as south asia.

>east asia
Damn it.

There's a reason why foreigners always say we're so chill

Also, not as disgusting as europe.

Guys, I just found out that Brazilians are actually getting paid to not cut down their forrest. Why the fuck are the europeans asking us to stop tearing down our forest to plan palm oil? They don't even pay us like they pay those fucking brazilian monkeys.

they are paying us

They pay you. Where's Malaysia's cut?

you need to burn more forest so they notice

Damn it. So we need to cut more down? Really?

make sure to drink more palm oil too

This is kind of humiliating, t bh.

we want palm burning monies too

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rezeki jangan ditolak

they are not literal whos, yes.
but most of them literally old hag and shit artist.

why they are not bring Minami, Yorushika, Zutomayo or Eve.

seriously, are most weebs from SEA didn't even follow japanese music trends or something ?

that line-up is total dissapointment.

Lonely saturday night only video calling with her

Where are you stationed now? Kaltim?

Lonely saturday night only video calling with her
My love is still stuck in Java
>Not as restrictive as europe
Top lel

>Yorushika, Zutomayo or Eve

Great tastes user

But how?

One of the artists they're bringing over was born in 2000, though.

Indonesian President and Vice President, 2024-2029

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I've never had durian, though I saw it once irl. It's a cool looking fruit.

Also, the artists they tend to bring over are among the biggest names in anison, with fairly large fanbases among anime fans.

Yeah I know we are poor, and every billion counts. But it feels like your rich neighbour comes into your house and promises you 1 million if your family behave nicely. The fact that they make it an installment payment make it even worse.
But yeah, money is money. Grab anything as much as we can.


The money is going to be used to protect and maintain rainforest tho

Because no new land have been opened for mass agriculture in the last few decades since its losing to the service sector. That's why Jibby goes all the way to form 1MDB and improve public transport to build financial centres while the taxes from service sector keeps agriculture afloat and subsidies keep food prices low or at least maintain it.
Right now the govt officers are busy taking EU staff on tour around Pahang and Sarawak to show that palm oil is not destroying the forest anymore. So instead of getting paid by EU my sister have been busy taking Spanish, Belgium, French staff to play with elephants and orang utans in the jungle and there's a few more planes coming in because we have to convince EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN EU NATIONS.
>Atok in front of national media : We 3rd world must band together
>Behind the scenes : White man please buy our product, see we got elephants and orang utans.
We are going the extra mile actually, in addition to palm oil lessons in class the minister have also suggested palm oil representative clubs to teach benefit of palm oil in secondary and tertiary education. Better make sure to drink at least a spoon every day before class or the palm oil class rep will kick your ass.

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Agriculture sector statistics.

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Holy shit i thought it was a meme not even the rich landlords who own palm oil plantations here want to consume palm oil even a single spoons

Yes, i'm not contributing to shit music like anisong artist.

>thinking that Yorushika and Minami isn't big

also, popularity doesn't always align with quality, they probably biggest names in anisong but it doesn't mean they are good musician.

i know it's good to bring big names on bussiness side, and since most weebs on SEA didn't even follow japanese music trends it can't be helped that we got shit line-up every year.


I was talking about popularity not quality

pair that with soda and your set for a funeral

yeah, but i want at least they bring quality artist rather than popular one.

>Better make sure to drink at least a spoon every day before class or the palm oil class rep will kick your ass.

I do not joke around when it comes to stupidity of our govt, my family reports directly and performs damage control for ministers and prime minister himself so we get 1st hand exposure to their maximum stupidity ray that will never be reported by the media. Even Mahathir himself has been showing signs of going senile these last few months and forgetting his own orders.
Now even the parliament is like a day market.
As if that's not enough there are other suggestions such as chopping down the palm trees for farming bamboos ,rubber tapping during monsoon and rice farming at night.
You talk shit about palm oil then see you in court, better salute the palm oil when you pass them in the supermarket.

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Too bad someone like Itou Kanako isn't as famous


I would go if she was a part of the lineup

>t. european nigger
Fuck off. Palm oil is the best crop. Everything you mention wouldn't even be happening if europe didn't demonize it to push their crop.

>blackout now


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>rubber tapping during monsoon and rice farming at night.
WTF so how independent journalism over there? how about starting one?


malaysia has nasi lemak
indonesia has rendang
thailand has pad thai
philippines has pagpag
vietnam has pho
myanmar has ???

Rohingyan's tears

Attention /cyc/ crossposters we made a Velogame for the Vuelta but you only have 40 minutes left to join. Visit /cyc/ for infos NOW

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What's Singapore's?
Hainan chicken rice? Or salted egg dishes?

Another of her classic.
>12-15 tons of palm fruit per acres (she doesn't know the difference between acres and hectares)
I'm a 75% pureblood Malay.
All this shit stems from stupid anglos and their Brexit.
>We buy Bong products and invest in them and in return they lobby for palm oil to the EU
>They went Brexit and now the govt has to get someone else to lobby which is the similarly perfidious French
>They keep bugging to buy their Rafale and when Najib said no in LIMA 2015 they joined PH campaign by making up graft charges to bring down Najib
>Once BN goes down they dropped the charges and ask for more bribes and buy muh Rafale to PH but its a stalemate
>As a result of the stalemate France attack palm oil and the 6billion Gowind frigate project is looking like its turning into a white elephant as delivery is held until we pay Macron his bribe.
>WTF so how independent journalism over there?
Dead, only propaganda remains.
>how about starting one?
Nah, my family knew too much. Dealing with false corruption charges every month is not fun and I don't want to get anal raped.
My mother is one of the officers charged to cover up Mahathir's Perwaja steel scandal with his chinese cronies and Japanese corporate goons and witness to many more. Some people just don't want no trouble, even my neighbour's brother in law in the govt evaluation dept dug too deep and end up chopped, burned and the pieces dumped in a cement barrel at the hands of Indian gangstas.

Fun fact, the entire Scorpene case was made up by the French to squeeze bribes and military purchase. Their govt owned Agence France-Presse already deleted thier article several days after fueling PH propaganda effort.

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Singapore is only truly famous for their chilli crab. Everything else, malaysia made it better.

Sounds like us back then in 80s-90s during the reign of Neo Mataram dynasty with the army as their Praetorian guards.

Menantikan post Indon anti religion

will this project ever happen?

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What for? Soon, Indonesia capital city will be in the same island as Malaysia and Brunei.

indonesia capital now is on java so I don't get your point. but yes as of now there is little economic gain from building such a massive project

lol indonesia capital won't be on java.
You Jakartans can kiss your governor ass.

Isn't one belt one road will use Singapore-Batam to link to Jakarta? That would be more important.

are you actually retarded or just pretending
yeah, that's most likely. that part of sumatra isn't even close to any major cities so no point really. plus it would also disrupt trade.

with rising sea levels, when will we see mount muria separated from java again?

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hundred years from now, that's for sure.

pengen mati





Malaysia already died in 1988 when Madey destroyed the judiciary by granting executive power above the judiciary so the court is just plaything for those in power.
>UMNO died and broke into two but the technocrat team B failed to remove him before they left politics from disappointment
>Pak Lah didn't dare to oppose Madey
>Najib dismantled some of Madey's chinese and indian cronies and proxies but its too late since zoomers view Madey as second coming of Jesus

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Life ain't so bad

Living is an sgony.

Death releases all

good night everyone. sleep tight.

I feel calmer when I think of suicide.

I will sleep and have nightmares only to wake up in an even worse nightmare.

have sex you two