Brazilians enter your thread

>posts cherrypicked webm of some western country
>white genocide
>monkey screeching

Attached: umadelicia.png (1262x883, 40K)

Other urls found in this thread:é_Bonifácio_de_Andrada_e_Silva

I really hate Brazilians.

That's literally just one guy. Just report him, he will get rangbanned very soon

Hm that's not the flag of United Shartia

good to see my OC resurface thanks to the amazon rainforest fires controversy

brazilians are scum, all of them, also they envy us

It’s one dude he’s also a borderline school shooter

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>Brazilian enters your thread
> starts playing

Attached: 1537850393199.png (500x322, 42K)

He's here!

daily reminder that you have more chances of survival as a child in war torn Syria than "peaceful" Brazil

Attached: brazil in one pic.jpg (1984x1323, 377K)

So why did you create this bane of humanity? Portugal is fully responsible for this hideous act.

Yeha and ?

Nigga go kill somebody in favella or do drugs,stop with this shit

Our life expectancy is bigger than theirs tho

We did not create any of that. brazil is an indepedant country for centuries, do you think when Portugal ruled those lands they had favelas? those lands were an extraction colony like dozens we had around the world.

Good to see that pooland is easily gullible into thinking that a retarded brazilian posting interracial webms somehow represent the entirety of all brazilian posters on this board.

Theres more than one of them, but they don't post on the same hours
I coul'd only identify an Bahiano who calls you aidético, a legit white supremacist from Santa Catarina and some guy from minas who aways shitalk about how he wants to kill communists

kino picture desu

Don't spread this screenshoot, the governament was acting like crazy here with this "problem", the feds stormed by former highschool due so some kid shipost on facebook, and they had suspended classes on my uni so Abin could investigate every single student there and put them in lists. they are paranoid

>Loses war to the "extraction colony"

Attached: warsofbrazilianempire.png (897x1379, 99K)

>there were portuguese on both sides fighting on the colony

mainland Portugal never tried to sent troops or declare war ,they just did not care.

>They're just an extraction colony, no relation to us
>Except when they BTFO us, then they're 100% Portuguese

Make your mind, Fernandinho Perde-Guerras

Attached: brazilianwarofindependence.png (999x152, 11K)

why are they so manic and hysteric. they really like to say HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA

Facts hurted you
There were portuguese vs portuguese on that war, do you realize that? literally those that wanted to stay part of portugal and those that wanted to be indepdanted, many of those had even born in Portugal, in 2 generations they all got mongrelized with amerindians and blacks.
and pumb that's modern brazil

Cultural differences. Why do you japs have so many incels?

Do you seriously want us to quote the names and biog of those that made your indepedancy? they were all portuguese you imbecil. Of course they mixed in the next centuries

nearly all Jow Forums posters are incels.

Fuck you Brazilian
Don't burn Amazon!

>>They're just an extraction colony, no relation to us

Indeed, mainland portuguese had nothing to do with those that went there and mongrelized.

Then you agree that Brazil wasn't "just an extraction colony" and was actually populated by the Portuguese. Even then, no, the majority of the population back in 1820 wasn't of European origin. The country seeked to be "whitened" by European immigration after independence. In the independence war, the commanders might have been white, but the troops certainly weren't.

That's what you think, we're actually all women.

José Bonifacio was the main figure and was brazilian.

You lost to literal monkeys, your opinion is invalid

Said the whale hunter.

it wasnt "an extraction colony like dozens we had around the world."
The whole royal family and millions of portuguese came here

>Then you agree that Brazil wasn't "just an extraction colony" and was actually populated by the Portuguese.

The elites that extracted the resources were of coure portuguese. just like the elites that ruled angola, mozmbique, timor, goa and other parts of our empire world wide. That's obvious. And yes it was an extraction colony, Portugal never meant to create a country in south america.

Attached: mouzinho_dalbuquerque_portugal_120portuguese_e100-02_b4n3.jpg (850x578, 131K)

they were all portuguese you dumb fuck

>José Ribeiro de Andrada, o avô, casado com Ana da Silva Borges, pertencia a antiga senpaiília portuguesa do Minho e de Trás-os-Montes, parente dos condes de Amares e marqueses de Montebelo, ramo dos Bobadelas-Freires de Andrada. Bonifácio José, que morreria em 1789, era considerado ágil, desembaraçado e inteligente.

of course his descedants all mixed in the next centuries. And that's why the modern brazil is a shithole.

>do you think when Portugal ruled those lands they had favelas?

Yes, it had and was called Quilombos. The difference was that they are isolated cause the slavery was in vigor and if found they would get back to forced labor. Not to mention that you administration of the colony was awful.

>millions of portuguese

No, that's just not true. hundreds of thousands maybe. Also hundreds of thousands of portuguese went to angola and mozambique. But they were always a minority, the natives there were always more than 90% of the population, even in brazil, you had a white elite of portuguese origin and then all sorts of amerindians and slaves and then the mixed ones.

come on man. the countries you mentioned dont have nowhere near as much portuguese blood as us

Attached: brgenetic.jpg (427x171, 32K)

It was an exploitation colony just like the rest of Latin America, and that's one of the reasons why Portugal and Spain are the worst countries in the western Europe today. Unlike the Anglos, the Iberians have lower IQs and didn't plan ahead of time, they just took whatever they could to spend it all in luxury to make Lisbon and Madrid look like Paris. Now they take billions of Euros from the EU to be able to maintain their first world standards of living, otherwise they would be just as poor as North Africa.

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>Brazil was just another colony

Attached: 1566656886742.jpg (720x1437, 111K)é_Bonifácio_de_Andrada_e_Silva
Also loads of you came here during the "gold rush''

A mixed person (of amerindians or blacks) is not a native portuguese, spanish, french or english
just like if you have a glass of wine and join there some acid, that's not wine anymore

Im not saying that.
Im just saying that we do have a considerable ammount of portuguese blood more than any other colony, and also RJ was the capital of portugal in one point housing the whole royal family
We were not just another colony

At the end of the day

Portugal is one of the richest (25 list) countries in the world and with top tier quality of life. Brazil is a third world country full of crime and degeneracy

Attached: 000xx6216-zb0_portugaal-lm701portugal-500q0_32-3vq2_2s.jpg (4218x3761, 2.99M)

We have nothing Portuguese in Brazil besides the language, which is still too different to be considered the same language.

>muh Christianity
It's a Middle Eastern religion.

>muh Catholicism
It's a Roman religion.

It’s an acidic wine. Anyone can see that mixture was wine.

are you fucking retarded? have one portuguese grandgrandfather, that's what they count as "portuguese ancestry."

portuguese (really) untouched without mixed blood amerindian or subsharan or tons in brazil are a few thousands, no more than that.

Attached: english_005-diaspora2-20422.jpg (282x409, 52K)

Then our victory against you is entirely ours.

Our constitution is pretty much a copy of theirs
All their writers are known here


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Unironically No real scottsman fallacy.

>>muh Catholicism
>It's a Roman religion

You need to good back to school. Cause the Christianity larps on the vacuum power let by the fall of the Roman empire don't make them Roman, you will feel the wrath of Jupiter for that heresy.

Another colony which received the name Portugal, Brazil and Algarves Kingdom

Posting the haplomeme of adolf hitler and napoleon bonapart will not help you on that send.

Attached: PCA_genetic_aismeuro_msampling-v44_DNA2-103_gx4v4_c-79_4-vc75-7-z.jpg (998x666, 102K)

Still not Portuguese. We didn't inherit anything at all from Portugal besides some language.


Names and surnames


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>names and surnames

Only in the north and northeast. Italian, Arab, German and other non-Portuguese names are more common in the southeast and south.

>have one portuguese grandgrandfather, that's what they count as "portuguese ancestry."

But that is of ancestrality means, not only Portuguese, but still being some Portuguese ancestrality, and any European country accept it as a justification to apply for dual citizenship. looool

>spanish foreign legion

Attached: spanish_-Vtammadr_peop3994a.jpg (1776x1184, 533K)

Spanish foreign legion is based. the fucking faggots appropiating tight outfits should be gassed.

You are trying way to hard.
Non Portuguese names are more common in those regions indeed, but the Portuguese surnames still being way more than others.

Are you saying this is a native english (pic)?
You guys lack comprehension skillz, a mulatto is not a native portuguese,spanish or english or italian. He may have european blood, but he is a foreignor to Portugal.
A piece of paper means nothing, that will burn sooner or later.

Based Legión

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Attached: rio_ferdinand9_england.jpg (767x431, 28K)

Sure, you are show to be the one with a good interpretation.
I made one point about ancestrality.
And yes, since Portuguese, English and etc are nouns that only designate the birthplace and nothing more them that, the simple fact that a person was born within the limits of a country made them "native whatever the fuck".

A paper that proves ancestrality and is accept that is have a grandfather Portuguese you are Portuguese in some part.

> "maaaah genes"
A piece of Long carbon structures means nothing, that will burn sooner or later.

Are you stupid arent you? we all have ancestry from neandertal populations that lived in europe, are we neandertals? no of course not.

Just like someone with 1 english,portuguese or french grandgrandfather and the rest half of the world, it is not a portuguese or an english or a french person.
And yes a piece of paper is made by context, today they have, tomorrow tey don´t have anymore, it's as simple as that.

Why are you so ashamed of your moor ancestry?

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On that chapter you have already lost nignog.and posting a crowd with immigrants will not help you. sorry.

Attached: 1me_portuguese_23_and_me_resultdna0-32v9x5-0b_5s3-53-__3_0-2a-82-y.png (604x575, 22K)

>this text
>brazilian flag

Attached: brazil42a2_249242ij963_3-cb2.png (2500x1200, 2.81M)

>800 years being raped by Moors
>100% European


I'm black.

Attached: 1557080281581.jpg (852x480, 70K)

get fucked by reality sopa de macaco

>"Genetic distances and principal component analyses show a clear differentiation of NW African and Iberian groups of samples, suggesting a strong genetic barrier matching the geographical Mediterranean Sea barrier. The restriction to gene flow may be attributed to the navigational hazards across the Straits, but cultural factors must also have played a role. ... Iberian samples show a substantial degree of homogeneity and fall within the cluster of European-based genetic diversity."
>(Comas et al.)

>"Phylogeographic analyses show that the haplogroup composition of the ancient Iberians was very similar to that found in modern Iberian Peninsula populations, suggesting a long-term genetic continuity since pre-Roman times."

Attached: portuguese_people_2t-Lisboa_410-6104f0v_3-24_26.png (795x531, 1.02M)

Based baiano e mineiro

You don't look very European, and you received millions of immigrants from Brazil, Angola and Mozambique on top of that. Your appearance matches the fact that you were raped by Moors for 800 years, so not sure how you're supposed to explain that.

Attached: 145028176089.jpg (1471x432, 130K)

When a south american monkey tries to teach us how european looks or not kek, then it's usually the other way around.

>and you received millions of immigrants from Brazil, Angola and Mozambique

LMAO bilions of them, thousands yes. we were always white meds and atlanto meds,never nordics.

Attached: Portugal_praxltPortugUNI_fe23-00102c2.jpg (604x453, 69K)

Why are you so offended? Not even your white supremacists look white. And I could cherry pick images from Brazil to show you "muh Brazil is white" if I wanted to. You're just cringe, you're posting images from the north of Portugal, stop cherry picking and show real images of average Portuguese.

Attached: 1602918957302.png (1344x564, 1.1M)

All those countries are extremely poor and yes, they mass migrated to Portugal, and they have the right to do it because you destroyed their home countries and enslaved them.

Do all those kids look white to you? They are all born in Portugal and are Portuguese by law, they're going to have children and many of them are already mixed-race.

Attached: cova_da_moura.jpg (1024x683, 583K)

>some guy from minas who aways shitalk about how he wants to kill communists
oh, i know him
he used to post on /luso/, i called him milipardocuco because he is a pardo and a milico

Attached: Isso ai.jpg (1024x576, 174K)


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And that is why I love Brazilian posters
they make you all seethe

23 and me only considers the last 200 years

>, i called him
i used to call him*


So who imported thousands of slaves to Brazil and introduced colonial-style economy in this country?



more like millions

>170,000 in Germany
Come home, white man

Portugal v Brazil discussions are the most boring shit ever, I'm glad I don't have iberian blood

Attached: 1566617661851.jpg (224x225, 6K)

No it's the last 500 years, it literally says what you are. If they want pre historic, they can look to here.

>closest populations genetically to the portuguese:

north italians
cornish (south english)
west germans

non european populations are not even in the first 30.

Attached: genetic_00-_sample-proxi-_similarity12ç9_from_portugal-0102s3_b43_dsaaad2a5_dc.png (353x510, 26K)

brazil imported more slaves after the indepedancy than anyone did before. And take a note, that the portuguese that did that, died all in brazil. We people from Portygal (europe) never left europe and never had anything to do with that. Even all our glorious navigators returned to Portugal to die and be buried here.

Attached: Lisbon_vasco_dagama0_ei945.jpg (3968x2976, 2.41M)

Good thing that I am not one
I'm a good boy

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It’s 200 years, Fernandinho Perde-Guerras.