How anybody can be this indoctrinated is beyond me. How many billions have died from capitalism due to poverty, slavery...

How anybody can be this indoctrinated is beyond me. How many billions have died from capitalism due to poverty, slavery, war, and genocide over hundreds of years?

If you think communism, a system build for the working class by the working class is evil then you are completely brainwashed.

Property owned by a wealthy few over owned by the working class is an evil concept itself. How delusional are you to not see that?

Millions continue to die from capitalism globally yet I see no cries from you.

Attached: the-death-toll-of-communism-ss-million-in-china-20-8742047.png (500x522, 158K)

People are evil either way. The economic doctrine doesn’t change that.

However, I do profit a lot from the capitalist pyramid scheme we are all in, therefore I support it. But that death counting is just nonsense.

You do not profit from anything kek, dumb wagie

tyranny is how the kike rolls.

this time theyre bent on making it global genocide.

not just shiitty bits n pieces.

>communism doesn't wo-

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China.svg.png (1200x800, 7K)

Capitalism doesn’t pretend to be some sort of perfect utopian system. Communism is supposed to benefit it all yet every country that’s implemented it has become a shithole. It has never worked and never will work

>I do profit a lot
If you aren't at the top of the pyramid you're just getting crumbs

it's a system built by frankfurt school jews in order to oppress the working man, you airhead cunt.

Literally every country that implemented saw a rise in their living standards.

What’s your excuse for Venezuela

communism kills actively
capitalism kills passively

Ok, maybe not Venezuela and Cambodia

>it's ok if it kill people and destroy the planet because it doesn't pretend to be perfect
Wow. Based

>a system build for the working class
Name one notable communist thinker who was working class.
None of them were working class, almost all of them were jews.

It's the other way around. Most deaths in communist regimes have been out of neglicence or poor planning. In Spain, Latin America, Italy, Germany and plenty other countries right wing factions have had a higher death toll than leftist ones.

third wolders always fuck up no matter the political system

Doesn't invalidate what they said and
>muh joos

We own 4 houses with a total of 28 flats. I do work in a privately owned company, but I am not a wagie.

Yes but that’s still a lot. I can afford travelling, restaurants, hotels, winter and summer vacation, a nice car. Why would I want to destroy this system?

Capitalism doesn't cause that, infact it makes people less poor.
>slavery, war, and genocide
Also doesn't cause that.

>If you think communism, a system build for the working class by the working class is evil then you are completely brainwashed.
If you think a system that cause millions and millions of deaths isn't evil, then you're literally retarded.

>Property owned by a wealthy few over owned by the working class is an evil concept itself.

Get fucked, scum.

Why is Jow Forums full of so many communists? This place would even make /lit/ blush with all the shilling

>If you think a system that cause millions and millions of deaths isn't evil, then you're literally retarded.
This. People who support capitalism are either evil or retarded.

Why are you such a greedy faggot?

you're just a Jow Forumstard desu, i recognize your posts. just move there

>We own 4 houses with a total of 28 flats.

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