EVROPA in one picture

This is the future of Europe and it's beautiful

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America's future is better

Attached: hapa.jpg (2048x1290, 741K)


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What is this?

been at paris suburb (94) and didnt saw one face of a gaule it seems that they became like the native american in USA

Why do white women age so bad holy fucking shit

No one abuses hard drugs and alcohol more than them, not to mention fake tanning. Every party slut you see at a club or music festival is a trashy white girl

Lack of melanin to protect their skin from the sun and hide blemishes.

>not a single nigglet

retard. that shit doesnt apply to the majority of the population. especially not to old people. you simply see blemishes on the skin easier on white skin.

Autistic nip

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Future serial-killer

Attached: 20190824_112828.jpg (271x348, 22K)

let them be delusional


Those are all 100% sicilians

Based and hapapilled

nice white shotas

sorry r these refugees or identitarians?

The future of America is BLACK and BROWN. It will be great day when that comes. Whites will release for how long they have oppressed us.
