Can you stop imitating Japan?
Can you stop imitating Japan?
never. in what way?
I am 100% Jomon. What about you, Takeshi?
Ylilauta(image board)
Memes(like pedo bear)
Nokia(down grade SONY)
You're 100% Khan's Mongolian blood
shit, youve blown our cover. although technically spurdo is a derivative of pedobear
Only Japan is jomon pls stop copying Japan this is rude
We jomons are not tolerant against fake jomons will kill in sight thanks
am jomon. now lets fight
No, all mongols are yayoi. Japan is jomon and European. Shut up mongoloid
100% Jomon blood here Korean dog
you make sad
We are just similiar, northern, secluded both best of our regions
now fuck off with your stupid questions english teacher.
Science say we are jomon and not Korean shut up mongol horde guy
I don't hate finland but youre yayoi not jomon it is science
What if (bear with me) I told you that no Finn actually gives a shit?
No one cares
Finnish scientists(better than Japanese scientists by every measure) have proven in the 1980s that Finns carry between 99% and 100% Jomon blood types
You are a Korean fake boy pretending to be Jomon, shame on you!
Post your chink eyes
You can’t fool me Taehyung
shut up jap
sony is shit
I haven’t committed any war crimes so I think I’m okay.
We are all Jomon friends
He's mexican bull tho
why are japanons consistently the angriest posters here?i get happy when they get destroyed by a korean poster
Stop speaking language derived from same language.
i like japan, dont ruin it for me you autist
>tfw Swedish colony
Does that mean we're nordic?
African+African makes you 200% African
Fuck you faggot. Nokia is based and sony is for faggots
uuuguu buuugu where da finnish women at
is he swiss too
thank you Netherlands, very cool
He has dual citizenship
Kek at Ukraine
>Nokia is based
its more of a telecommunications firm currently. but its up and coming. comparing it strictly to sony at the moment would be futile
fuck you bitch
Good for you then
No Japanese jomon scientists are superior!
KGB nigger trying to steal my jomon bull eyes
Based but no
Sorry only Japan is jomon