Stalin's father had my name

>Stalin's father had my name
Georgia... home...

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Imagine to be named Vissarion

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Stalin was Ossetian

He was English.

true he was Jugaev and changed as Jugashvili

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Are ossetians chechens?

All kavkaz niggas are the same


what do you want faggot

Ossetians are Christian Alanic nation,Chechens are muslim Vaynakh

nice so getting an oesstian would be based? would their brothers kill me? I guess not since their not muslims right

Not really, they're chill if they aren't living in actual mountain villages

ok good

this girl lives in north oessetian, do they all look like her?

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Pretty much yes

lovely, where are you from russian friend? how do you know the region so well

I 'm from nearby Msc and I have good ossetian friend,we drink together sometimes

oh thats great, what do normal russians think about them? do they find them attractive or do they prefer the stereotype russian girl?

Russians in general prefer russians but ossetians are viewed positive cuz you could actually drink with them and be cool (unless it's mountain savages,but I didn't met them here)

could you tell me more about the mountain savages lol, whats up with them?
did you go to Vladikavkaz, or which city is the main one?

It's small nation after all

They are just wild,aggressive and into criminal stuff,I'v been in Abkhazia and one barbarian was shot and stabbed by other barbarians nearby hotel,I will never come back to this shithole

No, they're language is descendant of Scythian

>m-mountain savages

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Yeah crime and violence is cool (no)

isnt that georgia?

This,they are actual Scythic BVLLS btw

Why do turks hate mountain turks so much then?

It's russian puppet state in Georgia populated by pagan circassians

they are not mountain turks. they are persian gypsies.

Redpill me on Caucasian people I heard they're disliked by other russians.

Why do they wear this dumb shit looks like it’s some muslime tradition

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Your national hero called them turks.

Based ბესარიონ
Come home my Berdzeno Brother