Question to Eastern Europeans, did your country have such disco-folk parties?
Question to Eastern Europeans, did your country have such disco-folk parties?
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>tfw when having a youth dancing with a QT to disco polo.
this timeline forever lost....
>that one couple completely freaking out for the whole time
>those girl on girl pairs
>that one guy just standing frozen in a corner
I will always post this when someone asks 'what are boomers like in your country'
Type in “manele” into YouTube.
>that one guy in the fedora hat dancing by himself
fuck this gay earth
Not anymore (((
This,tfw ywn flex on kolchoz party
>tfw no one wants to dance with Inspector Gadget
post videos
can't find any videos but i have pics of my mothers wedding and other gatherings
apparently they spent most of their nights in discos playing nationalistic music or folk shit
i couldn't find any on youtube but this, this isn't really folk but it is still based
>these mongol faces
>this VDV rubashka
>le drugged people are based xD
I personally don't see mongols faces here,there are also blondes in this vid,I think you are obsessed a little
ubi se nevini debilu
ubij se maloljetno govno
she's clearly mongol
Literally one buryatka
t. incelko
Old but good
maybe it's normal in Russia, not normal for me to see a mongol face dancing between Slavs
mongols can be slaves too u know.
If it's girl its ok,if it was some mad mongol drunk savage it would probably cause a fight especially in 90s
>that autotune
authentic balkanshit music
You barely will see mongol at party in Archangelskaya oblast in 90s but Russia is big,siberia and shit,get used to it
how common are Slavic male - Mongol female couples in Russia? Are such relationships frowned upon?
For russian incels in mongol regions of siberia it's easier to get asian pussy cuz asian girls here are into european looking men so it happens sometimes,but mostly its russian-russian couples
I was harased by kazakh girl in kindergarten because I was blonde,she always tryed to kiss me and always said that we are going to marry soon lmao
i know a russian mongol mutt from germany
his dad is a mongol i think
was she muslim? how would their parents react if you really wanted to marry her?
>the mongol hordes made it to germany
my ancestors are smiling.
he's pretty depressed from what i've noticed while talking to him
mixed race marriages ruin kids that aren't normies
Not really,kazakhs are pretty secular in general,and her mongol daddy always was like "it's so funny lmao"
God I wish that were me
same, but only being this old.