Why white girl is so beautiful?

Why white girl is so beautiful?
I think most white girl is beautiful.

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Other urls found in this thread:

desuarchive.org/int/search/text/Yellow roasties/

We know you tell us everyday hahah.

You need to go get yourself one then


there are also ugly white girls

I’m sure there’s an English teacher willing to date you.

Lirn inglish insectoid

I think there are some ugly white girls, but most white girls who come to Japan are beautiful.

>wh*Te girls

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What is incectoid?

隣の芝生は青い, mate

70% white girl have good looking.

>Why white girl is so beautiful?
White man sperm make it

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Asian girls are prettier. I want an Hapa baby.


I want one too. Give me a quote girl and it'll happen.

You have a good taste

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Because she looks Asian, that's why

>Why white girl is so beautiful?
She has brown eyes. Therefore, she is not wh*te.

There's a Jap roastie who hates white women because they are superior.

You might trigger him !

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>photoshopped pictures of gook models with surgeries and make-up
>"this is the average gook lol!"
keep telling yourself that, weebcel

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So you're retarded.

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she looks like a pretty asian or hapa

>does her makeup like an asian
>cuts her hair like an asion
she wants ur dick op

>she looks like a pretty asian or hapa
Again, you are retarded because you are clueless.

And you're retarded too and ignorant too.

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Asian girls are more beautiful

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because the white race is superior

don't know how any sane person could look at these two images and claim the asians are more attractive

I didn't even say that asians are pretty, so idk why you're dwelling on that point
But asian (Japanese) features in white women are top tier, and hapas are top tier too. But I guess you feel attacked

Well I think they look 100 times better

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you can't be serious

Don't bother yourself about a pathetic femcel with a mental illness.
desuarchive.org/int/search/text/Yellow roasties/

> don't know how any sane person could look at these two images and claim the asians are more attractive

The Asian girls in the photo and the white girl in ops pic are about equally attractive. I don’t know what you mean

>photoshopped pictures of gook models with surgeries and make-up
Which one?

Your interpretation of beauty is influenced by your racial background plus there are multiple dimensions to attraction

>Well I think they look 100 times better
>proceeds to post pictures of women that look worse than what OP posted

She looks like the white version of this woman indeed.

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>t. seething roastie
no one will raise your muttlet tyrone Jr., roastie

no they look much better desu
have another one

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all Japanese girl is so ugly and annoying.

>and annoying.

this girl is way fitter than all the girls you are posting

Japanese girl look like a child

Can I swap a white girl for a japanese girl?


hell yes!!!!!


Why do people still reply to that austrian ultra faggot?

white girl nose is so ugly.
bad smell.
You are traitor!!

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You are traitor!!!

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kid face

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a white weeb incel using fake engrish and white incels encouraged by him itt

purely redditors cringefest

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fuck this homewrecking puta

holy shit cumskins are disgusting

I like all women but they don't like me