Spanish suburbs

>spanish suburbs

Attached: suburbs madrid.png (1645x832, 3.79M)

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Attached: suburb spain.png (924x512, 1.36M)

God I wish we belonged to Spain

Why would anyone want to live in a desert

You would never understand nordoid

Attached: EBSxPDlXsAE18kA.jpg (1280x853, 310K)

That landscape makes me think of my region, somewhere between being arid and fertile, kek.

>parque para perros
I unironically laughed at loud at that

se me seca la garganta solo de mirar a esto

Spain is so oddly comfy no matter where you go, to the deserted mesetas to the south/eastern beaches to the northern forests

Attached: galicia_santiagodecompostela.jpg (1200x804, 286K)

no. galicia, asturias, cantabria and basque are the only comfy places. everything down below is saudi arabia tier

this is another of those threads

Attached: sp.png (429x354, 255K)

same place in spring

Attached: Castillo-de-Tiedra.jpg (1355x900, 214K)


Attached: 9364_flyg-pilgrimsvagen.jpg (1200x702, 317K)


>No sabe que en la meseta y en el sur hay bosques de coníferas

Attached: 6BD0D86E-3934-44A1-84F1-80A6AD05A59C.jpg (1024x768, 196K)

es ultra comfy n*rteño

Attached: 1498499388_303388_1498499976_noticia_normal_recorte1.jpg (1960x973, 344K)

>el Mes*tario

que buen airecito el que respiráis eh

Attached: 1566390568389.jpg (645x773, 30K)

decent density. It looks like you could build trams in those wide avenues to decrease car dependency. Here in Canada the suburbs are all single family detached housing with some big towers built around transit nodes. It sucks so I live in the city

Attached: aire limpito.jpg (1600x900, 50K)


Andalucía... hogar.

Attached: things-to-do-in-andalucia-andalusia-best-village-tour-day-trip-excursion-village-white-bull-sherry-w (820x546, 200K)

eres un payaso


Attached: 0AC8FEA5-EB55-4527-A630-581E57577A9F.jpg (1024x562, 222K)

how to explain this feeling to noirdoids?

Attached: sub5.jpg (1024x683, 216K)

>colegio aleman

that's some big ass school for a few expat kids

>alman schule

Soy de los angeles. Cuando vivía en Madrid no notaba el aire "contaminado." Sois paranoicos.

Por lo menos los barrios norteños no estén llenos de gitanos como los del sur.

Everybody has a swimming pool. Must be nice to have nice weather all year.