Why does China depict themself as White?

Why does China depict themself as White?

Attached: 1b4f849c5d40a46aaae5db7ee13478be.jpg (736x1043, 229K)

They look like this

Attached: Joshua-Wong_3061756b.jpg (620x387, 49K)

i like him. he have the guts unlike soy-infused western soibois

Japs also depict themselves as jomon, although they are 90% yayoi

>he believes a dumb incel meme

too impressionable and soybased

found the zainichi


huh? that pseudo science meme is only a thing here on /int cause of Jow Forumscels obsessed with race and too stupid to figure out science.

fabricated by a hairy incel virgin in his 40s or 50s who manages to rationalise his hairy and filthy life

if you talked it in japan youd be seen as a mentally challenged person.

t. yayoicel FURIOUS at the JOMON BVLL

his "this guy is jomon" photos are absolutely random. he even uploads host-ish feminine men like ff games protags if its good looking. its even crystal clear to 7yo kids that therere no standards for his claims and evidences to back them up. you are too impressionable and naive and just fooled by an autist and his fantasy. to begin with no japanese talk about it irl.

I would guess this is probably copied from soviet artwork.

>jap calling someone else an incel
Stop acting as you’re some chad

Why does USA depict themself as White?

Because we are Mexicans

pale skin is a status symbol in asian countries because it meant you could afford not rice farming

Shut up Japan is 90% jomon zainichi
I bet you look like pic related

Attached: _phenotype.png (773x1018, 888K)

God damn those are some masculine jawlines. Poor girl doe

this is the said autist. imagine being this delusional

Zitto animale

because they are

t. zhang

You have been visited by the Laura of not great, not terrible threads.

This thread is currently reading 20 replies (not great, not terrible).

Attached: Laura.jpg (1275x637, 107K)

Imagine being ashamed of growing body hair as a man... absolutely pathetic

Based anti autism warrior